Palworld is still in early access, but it has been making huge waves within the gaming industry and has been pumping out a lot of huge content updates in recent times. With the latest Feybreak update, they added so much more fresh content to the game, and this guide will be covering most of the new bits of tech that were introduced with it.
Complete New Technology Guide
There are a ton of new additions to the game with this massive update, but this guide will mainly be covering production facilities and other stuff that help around in your base. This includes stuff like crafting stations and resource generation.
New Storage Structures / Machines
- Medicine Rack (Level 23) – When appropriately stocked up with medicine, sick pals will automatically come over and use them as needed.
- Needs 30x Wood, 20x Ingots, and 5x Cloth
- Accumulator (Level 37) – This device is used for storing excess power produced by your generators
- Needs 50x Ingots and 20x Electric Organs
- Guild Chest (Level 40) – This chest is incredibly useful for people with multiple bases or groups who are spread out across the map. Guild Chests are essentially global storage units that have a shared inventory regardless of which of your bases you open them in.
- Needs 10x Ancient Civilization Parts, 50x Refined Ingots, and 100x Paldium Fragments
- Item Retrieval Machine (Level 49) – This device, which looks suspiciously like an MRI machine, is a massive quality of life upgrade as it grants you quick access to quite literally every storage unit in your base from a single spot.
- Needs 100x Pal Metal Ingots and 30x Paldium Fragments
- Advanced Chest (Level 58) – Basically a storage unit with an even larger number of available slots.
- Needs 50x Carbon Fiber, 20x Hexolite, and 20x Nails
- Large-Scale Electric Egg Incubator (Level 60) – Although technically not a storage unit, it is kind of close enough to fall under this category. This machine lets you incubate up to 10 different eggs as long as it is powered up.
- Needs 100x Hexolite, 50x Circuit Boards, 30x Ancient Civilization Parts, and 20x Ancient Civilization Cores

New Crafting and Production Facilities
- Human-Powered Generator (Level 13) – It is essentially a giant hamster wheel that you can assign a single pal to so that they can manually produce power for your base at low efficiency.
- Needs 50x Wood and 5x Electric Organs
- Gold Coin Assembly Line (Level 48) – As the name implies, this assembly line is used to produce gold. If you need a bit passive income for any reason, slap on a worker onto one of these.
- Needs 100x Pal Metal Ingots, 50x Nails, 30x Cement, and 20x Circuit Boards
- Large-Scale Stone Oven (Level 49) – A large oven that can be operated by multiple fire pals in order to cook food.
- Needs 1000x Stone, 200x Cement, 200x Charcoal, and 20x Flame Organs
- Pure Quartz Mine (Level 50) – Allows your pals to mine for pure quartz over time. Best used by pals who are good at mining, obviously.
- Needs 100x Pure Quartz, 70x Stone, and 30x Paldium Fragments
- Gigantic Furnace (Level 56) – A large furnace that multiple pals can work with. It also allows you to refine Hexolite.
- Needs 200x Flame Organs, 150x Plasteel, 100x Polymer, and 20x Ancient Civilization Parts
- Advanced Sphere Assembly Line (Level 56) – Pretty much what the name implies. It allows you to produce spheres at an even faster speed, as long as there are pals assigned to it.
- Needs 50x Hexolite, 50x Plasteel, 50x Nails, and 30x Circuit Boards
- Advanced Medicine Workbench (Level 59) – An even more advanced medicine production facility that lets you create various elixirs and potions.
- Needs 50x Hexolite, 50x Plasteel, and 30x Circuit Boards
New Miscellaneous Base Structures
- Ladder (Level 10) – It’s a ladder… What else is there to say about it?
- Needs 10x Wood
- Pal Expedition Station (Level 15) – This facility will allow you to send pals out on expeditions for resources and more. You will need to unlock locations for them to go to by meeting various conditions (e.g. beating certain bosses).
- Needs 20x Stone, 20x Wood, and 5x Paldium Fragments
- Tombstone (Level 17) – It is just a tombstone that you can write on.
- Needs 10x Stone
- Pal Labor Research Laboratory (Level 20) – This facility allows you to research various buffs that will improve the efficiency of your base.
- Needs 10x Ingots and 10x Paldium Fragments
- Flea Markets (Level 22) – There are two different types of flea markets that you can make, and they both allow you to sell to other players in your server.
- Pal variant – Needs 40x Wood, 20x Ingots, and 5x Paldium Fragments
- Item variant – Needs 40x Wood, 20x Ingots, and 3x Cloth
- Alpha Wave Generator (Level 41) – When active, this device will slow down the rate in which SAN goes down among your pals in the base. This effect does not stack, so only one is needed.
- Needs 40x Refined Ingots, 30x Electric Organs, 20x Circuit Boards, and 20x Paldium Fragments
- Beta Wave Generator (Level 46) – When active, this device will speed up the work speed of every pal in your base. Just like the other generator above, this effect does not stack.
- Needs 40x Pal Metal Ingots, 40x Electric Organs, and 30x Circuit Boards
- Skillfruit Orchard (Level 48) – This allows you to cultivate skill fruits by planting one and waiting for it to grow, and you can later harvest it for multiple more copies.
- Needs 200x Wood, 50x Paldium Fragments, and 30x Pal Fluids
- Pal Pod (Level 57) – This pod can be used to heal pals at a relatively fast rate or simply as a resting spot.
- Needs 30x Pal Fluids, 10x Hexolite, and 5x Circuit Boards

Those are all of the new technology that you can explore in this huge Palworld update. There are a couple of structure sets you can unlock too, and most of them are Japanese-themed, if you are into that sort of aesthetic.