The Art Gallery is a heist given by Bain. It was released a long time ago. Many people have problems finishing this heist. Art Gallery is a mission on stealth, and the players need to plan how to do that before they start the heist. In this guide, we will show you how to finish the Art Gallery Heist in Payday 2.
How To Play Art Gallery As Fast As Possible Guide In Payday 2

The map is pretty simple. First, you must run to the main entrance and shoot the doors when you start the mission. Then, you must get inside as fast as possible when you open the doors. It would be best to run to Hall “A” or Hall “E” before the alarm rings. When the alarm goes off, both security barriers will close, and that’s why you need to be inside.

If you get stuck outside, you must go on the roof with the staircase on the right side of the building. Then when you are on the roof, you need to find a room with white walls or a covered-up statue to drop on. If you don’t land on these things, the fall will kill you.

The security room is in the center of the map, with three possible entrances. You can go from “E,” “C,” or “A,” as you can see in the image above, are all three rounded. Once you find the door, use anything to open the door quickly except the drill because it takes longer to open it. You need to take out the guard and start hacking when you get there.

While you are waiting to hack, you need to keep in mind as soon as you start to hack, cops can breach the back of the walls of the Gallery, so keep an eye on those walls that are rounded in the image. After the hack is done, all of the bars of the paintings will rise to allow you to take the paintings.

When you have gathered all the paintings in the nice little pile, you must bring them to the van located on the left side of the Gallery in the elevated parking lot, and you open the van only when the painting is grabbed. When you get out, you need to be very careful. There will be snipers waiting on you and many policemen outside the Art Gallery.

You can ignore all the policemen by following this route and going behind bars with the paintings. Put the images inside the van and drive.
That is everything you need to know about the Art Gallery heist and how to successfully finish it. Go back in the game and complete the heist quickly.
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