
Piggy: Pig 64 – How To Find All Wallet Locations

Did somebody lose their wallet?

Piggy: Pig 64 is a 3d platformer Roblox game where you choose your characters and roam the streets meeting other cool characters on your way. The game also releases fun missions and objectives to complete. Just like this new mission where you must find wallets of eight friends! Keep reading and we’ll tell you what you need to do. 

How To Find All Wallet Locations

Wallets are scattered in multiple places all over the world of Pig 64 and players are searching long and hard to find every one of them. 

If you too, just like other Pig 64 enthusiasts, wish to collect each of the eight wallets hidden in several locations, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will show you where you can find each wallet so you can acquire all of them for yourself. 

Vincent’s Wallet

You’ll find the first wallet in a dark alleyway between apartments. The alleyway can be found  between Elly’s enterprise and the main city building.

wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

Once you collect the wallet, you’ll get a pop up notifying you for collecting “Vincent’s Wallet”.

Forest’s Wallet

For the second wallet, exit the alley through the side you entered. Then, go down the stairs on the opposite side of the building. These stairs should lead you somewhere underground.

stair to subway in Piggy: Pig 64

Underground, you’ll find a subway and two rooms to your left. Go inside the furthest room at the end of the subway.

Room in Piggy: Pig 64

Go down another smaller set of stairs and turn left again. Then, go up another set of stairs and keep heading forward into a room. 

Rooms in Piggy: Pig 64

That’s when you turn left again, and you should see another two rooms. (Yes! This game has a lot of rooms, but we’ll try our best to navigate you through them).

Red wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

From here, you should easily see a red wallet floating in the right room. Go over there and collect it. This wallet is called Forest’s Wallet. Exiting the building should be easy. Just exit the red wallet room and go to the room next to it.

next room in Piggy: Pig 64

This should lead you down a small set of stairs, then turn left and you are back into the subway from where you started! Now, you can exit the subway from the same way you came in and back to the streets. 

If you’re enjoying going around the city searching for wallets, you’ll also enjoy searching for notes. Check out this guide on How To Find All Note/Page in the city

Justin’s Wallet

While facing the Alleyway you went into to find the first wallet, head to the left side of the road and keep going left. 

road in Piggy: Pig 64

When you reach the end of the road, that’s when you can turn right. At the end of this next road, turn right once again.

streets in Piggy: Pig 64

Next, head to the main city building (to the left of the building entrance). And once you go inside, go to the left side, you’ll see a pool.

pool in Piggy: Pig 64

Go inside the pool and you should find another wallet. A blue wallet should be swimming in the pool. Collect it. This one is called Justin’s Wallet. 

Albert’s Wallet

You’ll find another wallet in the very same building. Exit the pool room and go left. You’ll see stairs like the one in the image below.

stairs in Piggy: Pig 64

One is to your right and the other to your left. Go up the stairs that’s to your right and then go up the next set of stairs again. Stop at the second floor. Then, go to the last room on this floor the corner room.

Pink wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

You’ll see the next wallet floating in the air. Collect the pink wallet that’s called Albert’s wallet. 

Callum’s Wallet

For this next wallet, go back to the location of where you would spawn. Then, head to the building directly in front you. You can use the stairs inside or you can climb up from the outside using the platforms

Platform jumping in Piggy: Pig 64

Jump on the platforms and go into the room above that platform. 

Entering apartment in Piggy: Pig 64

You should see a little sheep character standing in front of the drawer. To the left side of the drawer, there is a small and narrow hole. Go inside to find your next wallet. 

Finding wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

Denver’s Wallet

Next, you exit this room from the window and then climb back on the platforms all the way to the roof of the next building ahead (or the right side of the building you are on).

On roofs in Piggy: Pig 64

Keep traveling from roof to roof of each building. Go ahead and then go on top of the left building, just like we’ve shown in the image below.

On roof in Piggy: Pig 64

Keep going straight from there until you see a yellow wallet floating in the air.

Yellow wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

Now go forward, jump and collect the sixth wallet called Denver’s wallet. 

Anthony’s Wallet

Look up from anywhere and try to spot a very tall building with a circular platform.

Helicopter pad in Piggy: Pig 64

That is a helicopter pad and that’s also where you’ll find your seventh wallet.

You can climb the platforms from the same building where you found Callum’s wallet in the apartment next to the drawers. Head over to the platforms and reach the roof of the building. Go left in the direction of the helipad. 

Roof of buildings in Piggy: Pig 64

Then, you need to keep climbing platforms to reach higher. Finally, at a certain point, you’ll reach the helipad with a blue wallet hovering over it. 

Blue wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

Note: This building looks completely different from the buildings in the rest of the city making it easier to spot. The method shown above is not the only way to reach the top. You can use the roof of any other buildings for assistance. This one is called Anthony’s Wallet.

Kohl’s wallet

For the final and eighth wallet, you’ll need a flashlight to spot it better. You’ll need to go back to the stairway that leads to the subway. Instead of going to the room at the far end, enter the room that is near the entrance. Once you enter, you’ll see a door that is locked to your left and an entrance to your right.

The existence of lock doors may remind you of keys. If you want to know more about getting the Keymaster Badge, check out our guide. 

Subway room in Piggy: Pig 64

Go to your right and go up a small flight of stairs and then another small flight of stairs to your left.You will enter a large lobby with multiple rooms. To the left of where you entered, there is another room with toppled over and messy benches. You’ll also find a red wallet in that very room. 

Red wallet in Piggy: Pig 64

This is the part where you celebrate and give yourself a pat on the back for collecting all eight wallets in Piggy: Pig 64! The game even gives you a mission to find tickets. If you want to check that out instead, here’s the guide to How To Find All Ticket Locations!


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