Avid fans of the famous Pokemon series have rejoiced since the release of its highly-anticipated newest edition, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
With its new release comes a roster of new exciting Pokemon and a few classics returning to ease the hearts of old pokemon fans.
Mankey is a classic pokemon that we have seen since our childhood. His evolution, the Primeape has a strong rare evolution that can lead to turning into an Annihilape. But, not a lot of players know how to achieve this.
Luckily, this guide will teach you exactly how to evolve your Primeape into an Annihilape! Let’s dive in. We’ve got a good tip to ensure your primate will evolve fast.
How to Catch a Primeape
Before you can even think about evolving into an Annihilape, you need to first capture a Mankey or a Primeape.
You can find them in the illustration below on the map below marked in Yellow. Mankey can be found in the lower regions while Primeape is located in the upper regions.

You can find them simply roaming in the grass. Unlike previous Pokemon titles, you don’t need to roam the grass area waiting for a battle trigger.
Like other genres, you can find them roaming around in which you can initiate a battle to capture them.

How to Level Up into Annihilape
Once you have captured your Primeape, it’s time to pit it against other pokemon to level up.
To make sure it levels up into an Annihilape, make sure to use keep using your Rage Fist attack and make sure to use it up to 20 times.

Keep using your Primeape and remember to occasionally head into a health center to regain your points heading into a new battle.
Once you’ve used rage fist 20 times, you will have successfully leveled up your Primape into an Annihilape!
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