Whether you’re sneaking around from one town to the other to avoid any encounters in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet or absolutely beating the lights out of a trainer, you still end up missing a few souls as you go about on your journey.
This may happen to you as well while you’re exploring the region of Kitakami. So, if you think you missed a few trainers or just want to destroy everyone equally to maximize the rewards you can get, read the rest of the guide below!
All Kitakami Ogre Clan Member Locations & Rewards
All of the eight trainers in this region will be wearing an Ogre Mask to help identify themselves as targets. That and to let others know they serve the Ogre Clan.
Here are the locations where you can find all of the Kitakami Ogre Clan Members:
- Reveler’s Road
- Fallen Horn
- Crystal Pool
- Apple Hills
- Two of them on Oni Mountain
- Paradise Barrens
- Kitakami Hall
NOTE: There’s a detailed walkthrough for every location below!
Every time you defeat a member of the Kitakami Ogre Clan you will receive 7084 worth of in-game currency. Muramasa (The Clue Guy) at Kitakami Hall will give you the rewards as well for the members you put away.
Here are the rewards you can get per every Kitakami Ogre Clan Member defeated, with the last one being the Ability Patch:
- Focus Sash
- 5x Exp. Candy XL
- Assault Vest
- 10x Rare Candy
- Choice Specs
- Ability Capsule
- Choice Brand
- Ability Patch

Reveler’s Road
Your first target will be Masamune, you can find him standing next to some bamboo trees in Reveler’s Road. A small group of Heracross Pokemon will be near the bamboo trees as well.

Fallen Horn
If you go North of the Kitakami Hall you’ll reach the Fallen Horn. There’s an island in the center of the river in this area. Hasebe will be standing close to the tip of that island next to a Wonder Sign.

Crystal Pool
This trainer will be in the middle of Oni Mountain. There’s a cave opening in the southeast side of the area that you can enter. That will take you all the way to the bottom where Kotetsu is.

Oni Mountain (East)
Before you go down the Crystal Pool, head east of that area to find Munechika standing dangerously close to a cliff.

Oni Mountain (Northwest)
Follow the Infernal Pass and to the northwest. There’s a little pond on this side that you can use as a landmark. And if you see Geodude’s hopping around that area then you’ll know you’re going the right way. Talk to Kunitsuna next to the pond get started with your next fight.

Apple Hills
The next trainer is just north of Mossui Town. Follow the river or climb the mountain until you get to the left side of the waterfall. There’s a cave on the left side of Apple Hills that you can access where Raikiri is hiding.

Paradise Barrens
Your target’s name in this region is Kanemitsu. You can find her standing in front of a large rock and a heard of Sandslahes.

Kitakami Hall
The Clue Guy is your last target, he’ll reveal himself as Muramasa once you have defeated the other members first. Talk to him again once he drops his disguise and you’ll continue the fight up the stairs.

And that’s where you can find all the Kitakami Ogre Clan Members in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Hope you’re fine with a little bit of hiking!
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