Most items in Robending Online can be easily retrieved via quests or needless amounts of exploration, but it never hurts to know everything else in advance. One of these items, well, nine of them at least, will include the scrolls that houses the elements that will help you out in your journey.
You have two choices in the game on how you want to get your scrolls. These can either be from quests, which is the easier way, or from drops which will obviously rely on a bit of luck. We’ll be going with the first option with this guide as it’s more reliable. Continue on reading to find all of the scrolls in the game!
All Scrolls Guide & How To Get Them
You can get all of the scrolls by completing quests assigned to you by various NPCs with a few exceptions. There’s a total of nine scrolls to retrieve that will help you get whatever element you’re currently after.
Scrolls are used to learn the different elemental skills. Each scroll, of course, will be handed out to you by their respective masters. Make navigation easier by using the compass on top of your screen.
Directions to the scroll quest givers are more accurate if you use Bumi as your starting point. Following the compass will also lead you to the location of all Elemental Bosses in the game, which unlocks the Seventh Scrolls. I’ll talk about this more in-detail below.
First Scroll
The very first scroll you can get at level 5 will be given to you by the elemental masters in the park. Scrolls given to you will include the Air Sphere, Earth Knockout, Fire Blast, and Water Knockout. This, of course, will depend on the elemental path you follow.

Second & Third Scroll
2nd Scroll
Locations will start varying with the following scrolls when you start branching out. What won’t change however, are the specific quests tied to them given by their respective NPCs. Here’s where you can find the rest as you venture forth:
- Air Scroll – Given to you by the Security Guard in the Park near a tree. Do the quest in order to get the Tornado Punch Scroll. You’re going to need the Orange Glider first which you can get from the shop for 1650 coins.
- Earth Scroll – Given to you by the Kid NPC that spawns in front of the apartment building near the Park and Pirate quest giver. This will earn you the Earth Wall scroll.
- Fire Scroll – Given to you by the Kawaii NPC located near the northwestern shop. Finishing the quest will get you the Fire Breathing scroll.
- Water – Given to you by the face screaming in fear emoji NPC located near the barbershop. Finish the quest assigned to you in order to get the Ice Shield scroll.
3rd Scroll
Getting the Third Scroll is easier, the only thing you’ll need is money. 1750 coins and one visit to the shop to be exact. The items you’ll be looking for are named Air Scooter, Rocks Barrage, Fire Slash, and Water Pull.

Fourth to Sixth Scroll
First of all, you need to be at least level 25 at this point. Obtaining all of the fourth elemental scrolls will take you to one NPC only, and this NPC is John. John is on the northwest of the Lower Part of the map near the bridge.
- Water – Ice Spears
- Earth – Earth Kick
- Fire – Fire Wall
- Air – Air Blast
To start doing the quest for the Fifth Scroll (Level 45+), you need to be at least level 35. Do the second mission for Bumi at the park to get the scrolls.
- Water – Water Bullets
- Earth – Rock Launch
- Fire – Fire Ring
- Air – Air Slash
You can obtain the Sixth scroll from the quest given by Kaelen (Level 35+) on the Higher part of the map. This will take you to the north. She will hand over the elemental scroll you need as soon as you finish her quest.
- Water – Water Surf
- Earth – Boulder Kick
- Fire – Fire Stream
- Air – Air Pull

Seventh & Eighth Scroll
7th Scroll
All of the scrolls in this section will now rely on chance instead of being rewarded to you by a specific Elemental Boss NPC. The seventh scrolls will all have the same 12.5% chance of dropping from the following NPCs:
- Zaair – Can be found on the Higher part of the Second Island. He’s also the target for the Young Monk quest.
- Rewards the Air Slice scroll.
- Hammers Guy – Same place where you can find Zaair if you’re doing the Old Earth Bender quest.
- Rewards the Earth Punch scroll.
- Blue Ninja – When you get to the second island, go forward after crossing the bridge. Then, go left between the buildings. This is also the target for the Kaelen quest.
- Rewards the Fire Missiles scroll.
- Noarrlok – Go to the very far right road of the second island and then go forward. You’ll be able to find Noarrlok around here while doing the Local Woman quest.
- Rewards the Water Wave scroll.
For more details about the Elemental Boss NPCs and their locations, make sure to check out our dedicated guide about that topic as well.

8th Scroll
As for the Eight Scroll, you’ll have to do the Equaliser mission (on any level) to get the chance of obtaining the following:
- Air – 30% chance to get the Air Tornadoes scroll.
- Earth – Unlock the Earth Smash scroll with a 30% chance.
- Fire – 30% chance to obtain the Fire Jet scroll.
- Water – 30% chance to acquire the Ice Spikes scroll.
Ninth Scroll
The final scroll can be used when you get to level 60, it’s also a subbending scroll, like the Air Element Sub-Element. These are sub-skills that already exist within each of the four elements.
You can only use one sub-element per save. If you spin and for it and get another sub-element, it will replace the one you already have on your current save.
Also, if you’re interested, check out this tier list which ranks sub elements from best to worst in RoBending Online!
And those are all of the scrolls you can get in RoBending Online. Remember, the order in which you get the scrolls don’t matter. You can get to the highest level possible even if you skip a scroll or two!