The 10th update of Isle on Roblox is finally here, and it introduces a whole lot of new content that long time fans of this old game will undoubtedly have fun exploring. In this guide, we will be covering The Hitman badge, which is one of the new things you can unlock for your profile as a part of the latest patch.
The Hitman Guide
Before we get started, just know that getting this badge will require a bit of RNG luck, but there are ways to turn things in your favor. The pathing will depend solely on how comfortable you are with navigating the map, because there is no set way to get The Hitman.
For this method, our first goal is to go to the Generators point of interest, because we need to power up the Hangar for later. So, make your way over to the Generators and use the switch until there is a green light under “Hangar”.
From here, the general order of places you have to go to will be labeled on the map image below. Follow along with each step so that you do not get lost, though keep in mind that there will be one step before you go to the Hangar at the end.

After powering up the Hangar, you should now go over to the Observatory. There, you can get the Heat Vision Goggles, which will be helpful for the last part when you need to find and lure enemies. It is not a hard requirement, but you may as well grab it since it is close to the generators.
Either way, the next important step is to go to the Radio Station. There, you will find the Master Bypass Console behind a stack of cardboard boxes. Get this and then we can proceed to the next part. Other utilities might spawn here too, such as the Makeshift Cloak, so grab whatever it is if you need it to survive.

Next, head further north to the Bunker. With the bypass console, you can hack your way through the entrance. Navigate your way through the lower levels and look for another high level door that you can hack. Inside, there will be a gatling gun and Owl Observer.
Both of these items are guaranteed to spawn here, but you only need to get the Owl Observer. Do not grab thegatling gun, as the badge will require a specific weapon, which is not this one.

Now that you have the Owl Observer, use it to search for the Silenced Pistol. This is the one part which is completely random, which is why the Owl Observer is necessary. With the help of this device, you have to explore the island until you figure out where the closest Silenced Pistol is.
Once you find a Silenced Pistol, it is time to head over to the final location: the Hangar. Make sure to avoid enemies as much as possible, since you are going to want to be as healthy as you can be for the final part.
Activate the fuel pump when you are ready, and then go outside of the hangar. What you need to do first is to lure ten frogspawn by walking near them. You need to aggro a total of ten at once, so do not kill any until you have that many following you.
Be careful not to let them touch you, as you can easily be overwhelmed by their numbers. Once you haveat least ten frogspawn following you, start shooting. The goal of The Hitman badge is to get a 10 kill combo with a single volley using a Silenced Pistol.
Because the frogspawn die to this weapon in one hit, you should be able to get it done as long as you do not die before they get wiped out. That is really all there is to it, and if you did everything correctly up to this point, the badge should now be yours!

If you are struggling with other enemies in the map, consider turning on various other modifiers before you start your run. Something like Nearsightedness or even Merc- if you can afford it will be great for this, as it will increase your chances of survival as you set up for the final part.
And that is everything you need to know in order to get the new The Hitman badge in Isle! There are more to unlock with the latest update, so check out our guide on how to get The Harmony badge on Isle 10 as well for more information!