Inspired by the popular anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, Roblox game Kaizen features several Curses and in this tier list, we’re going to rate them. While they have similar names, different interpretation in Roblox can mean different strengths in the skills of the curses.
As the game continues to be a work in progress at its alpha stage, we’re expecting some changes to be made to some of the skills.
Best Curses Tier List
Tier list is always subjective, so make sure to let us know about our ranking in the comment section below! There are currently 12 curses that we’re going to list down below.
Most of the reason the moves are where they are is because of their damage output. But depending on situations and usage, it’s possible that you’ll find Disaster Flames better than Ten Shadows, for example. The raw damage from Straw Dolls may be your favorite.
- Ten Shadows
- Curse Manipulation
- Shock Amplification
- Cursed Flame
- Blood Manipulation
- Straw Doll
- Disaster Plants
- Cryo Frost
- Idle Transfirguration
- Cursed Speech
- Devil’s Broom
- Construction
And that’s it for Roblox game Kaizen Curses tier list! We’re looking forward to more updates that are going to shake the balance more in the future. Mostly since the game is still in its Alpha stage, it’s possible that some Curses are going to perform better than others later down the line. So, stay tuned!
ALSO READ: Roblox Kaizen: Beginner’s Guide (Starter)