The obsidian is the newest resource/material addition in Roblox: The Survival Game. It’s required in making the best material in the game, the mythical ore, Darksteel. Now, with that said, it’s obvious that getting these will not be easy. That’s why I have this guide prepared for you, so you won’t have to work as hard. In this guide, I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get obsidian in the game. Let’s get right into it!
How To Get Obsidian Fast
The only way to get obsidian material in the game is by defeating The Titan boss in the game. It comes as a drop/loot. Also, as 4 nodes that drop 4 obsidians each that spawn after defeating the boss.
With that said, the fastest way to get the material is to make sure you do the boss fight as efficiently as possible. This means that upon fighting it, you don’t die, and you do it prepared. I will talk about preparation further down the guide, as well as tips and tricks that you can use.

It’s also important that you defeat the boss by yourself, if you really want to get obsidian as fast as possible. There are two reasons. The first is that you won’t have to share with anyone. The second is that if you take on the boss with a kingdom or group, there’s a possibility that they turn on you after defeating the boss. This is not only inefficient as you don’t get any obsidian but is also very heartbreaking.
It’s a cruel world, I know. But don’t worry, we’ll provide you with tips on how you can solo the boss with ease.
The Titan Location
If you already know the boss’s location, you can skip this part. The Titan can be found in the Volcano biome, located northeast from the Desert biome. It’s deep waters so you’ll need a good boat to reach the island.

How to Easily Defeat the Titan
As mentioned before, you have to come in prepared! So, you’ll need everything that can come of help when fighting this boss, as it’s the strongest one in the game.
Here are the things that you need to prepare:
- Cabbage – make sure you have LOTS of them. Lots, as in around 400 of them, because you’ll need them. In case you didn’t know, this food is the only item in the game that restores HP instantly. This will come in handy since the biome deals damage per second to your character, and the boss itself can deal significant amount of damage.
- Strongest Armor that you have – you can’t fight the boss with a leather, copper, iron and steel armor. As much as possible, use the darksteel armor as it’s the strongest in the game. However, if you don’t have it, just bring your best armor at the moment. No worries, you’ll get access to darksteel right after defeating the boss.
- 20% Speed Boost– you get this buff by sleeping in a bed and then sitting in a toilet. As silly as it sounds, it gives the player the speed buff which will be very useful when fighting the boss. The reason why is because the boss actually stops when it attacks, and the speed buff will let you dodge much more easily.
- 2x Resources Gamepass + 2x Tool Power Gamepass + Darksteel Pickaxe + Level 25 Mining Mastery – if you have this, you’ll get the most amount of obsidian from the darksteel nodes.

Also, here are tips and tricks that you can add to your game in order to defeat the boss much faster:
- Memorize its attack pattern – one of the common natures of bosses, is that they have this attack pattern that goes over and over again. I’ll provide it so you won’t have to figure it on your own. The order is: First, it’ll chase you and attack you with its basic attack (has 3 variations). Second, it’ll get into rage mode which turns him red, and deal double damage. Third, it’ll use its stomp ability which deals area-of-effect damage around him. Fourth, it turns color blue which means it’s invincible – when this happens, your only option is to dodge its attacks, heal with cabbage and wait until it stops and turn red. After this, it will go back to the first move and will be vulnerable again. This is a rotation, so it’s best if you’re able to memorize it if you want to defeat the boss with ease.
- Jump to dodge – yes, as simple as it sounds, jumping is the easiest way to dodge the boss’s attacks besides running away.
- Attack the Titan while its screaming – when the Titan is screaming it cannot attack you and is vulnerable at the same time. Abuse it.
- Don’t use ranged weapons– trust me, it will not work when fighting this boss.
If you’re looking for more information on how to defeat the boss, you can check out our more in-depth guide on how to kill The Titan in Roblox: The Survival Game.

That sums it up! If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section down below. Also, we have more Roblox: The Survival Game content, and if you’re interested, check them out as well!
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