Rune Slayer: How to Easily Defeat Elder Treant Guide (Cheese)

Wake up babe. New cheese guide just dropped.

Aaron Rabaya
4 Min Read

You don’t have to be a super high-level player to take down the Elder Treant. If you want quick resources, this boss encounter is for you. Not only does it reward you a lot of credits, but with the right strategy, it can be done multiple times as well. In this very short guide, you will learn how to easily defeat the Elder Treant in Rune Slayer with simple tactics (cheese)!

How to Easily Defeat the Elder Treant (Cheese)

Elder Treant in Greatwood Forest Rune Slayer

When you find an Elder Treant, you want to start by trying to get its attention. You can easily do this by attacking it with your Left Mouse Button. It won’t be long before it becomes annoyed and marches towards your direction. 

Elder Treant in Rune Slayer

Once you’ve initiated the boss encounter, have him follow you towards a specific part of the map which I will show below. This is important because it may not work with other similar-looking locations. 

When you find this specific tree, your next step is to position yourself behind it. The Elder Treant will still try to approach you. However, if you did it right, it will become stuck and unable to attack

The Tree in Greatwood Forest Rune Slayer

Time to reap your rewards! Once you’re locked in, you won’t be taking any damage. So take as much time as you need. Keep mashing your attacks until the Elder Treant’s life is totally depleted. Simple, cheesy, but effective.

Elder Treant defeated in Rune Slayer

Why the Elder Treant?

  • The Elder Treant is a great source for players wanting to earn Elder Vines, Elder Rings, Elder Greatwood, and Golden Fairies
  • This big bad can be seen stalking around in the Greatwood Forest. It has a downtime of 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes during deaths. It can easily be taken advantage of because of this.
  • It’s a great enemy to farm on because of its slow movement. Even with normal methods, you can quickly adapt to its fighting style.

Additional Tips

Make sure you’re relatively close to the Elder Treant. If you stray too far away, it will start running back to its initial position. By maintaining a short distance, it will resume its animation and chase you again. 

Watch out for certain mobs that may attempt to attack along the way. You don’t want a situation where a bunch of enemies gang up on you. Use your movement to avoid damage while trying to land hits.

When you’re at the tree, the Elder Treant may not get stuck right away. If this happens, remember to move away from the tree and repeat the process until it’s finally caught. 

Ideally, you don’t want to do this method with other people. Having a bunch of players with you can shift the Elder Treant’s focus. Keep this in mind when attempting this approach. This can break it out of the glitch and make you redo your previous steps. But if everyone’s in the right position, multiple players can take down this giant faster. 

Made it to the end? Congrats! I hope this (cheese) guide was able to help you defeat the Elder Treant in Rune Slayer! With your newfound knowledge, you can now hop on a server to try it out. If you enjoyed reading this, don’t hesitate to share with your friends! 

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