Dual wielding in Rune Slayer is a game-changer, letting you dish out twice the damage with swords or daggers. If you’ve ever wondered, “How do I dual wield?”—this guide is for you! I’ll walk you through finding Vangar, the NPC who drops the Dual Wielding skill book, so you can unlock this ability and start slashing through enemies as you please!
How To Get Dual Wield Guide (Dual Wielding Skill Book)
Before diving in, know that dual wielding is limited to swords and daggers—no spears or greatswords here. You’ll see this restriction in the Talent menu and on weapon descriptions. Now, let’s get to work and track down Vangar.
Your journey begins in Lakeshire. If you already know where it is, great! If not, just follow the river near the Beaver Quest area. Once you spot the elevator, you’re on the right track.
Trust me on this—Vangar is no pushover. Before engaging him, set your spawn point at the Templar Base entrance. If things go south, you won’t have to trek all the way back.
Exit the Knights Templar base and head toward the cave leading to the Beastmen camp. Don’t enter—look to the side instead. You’ll need to make a tricky jump to reach Vangar’s area. It may take a few tries (Shift Lock can help), but keep at it.
Vangar Fight & Drops
Vangar spawns around the location shown above. If he’s not there, you can either wait or server hop. His exact respawn timer is unknown, so patience is key.
When Vangar appears, get ready for a tough fight. He’s tanky, hits hard, and has solid moves. If you’re soloing him, aim to be around Level 30-35 for a decent chance.
- Dual Wielding Skill Book (what you came for!)
- His Cloak or Cap (a cool bonus if you’re lucky)
The skill book is an R drop, so expect multiple attempts before it drops.

Equipping Dual Wielding
Once you secure the Dual Wielding Skill Book, open your ability menu and equip the Dual Wielding Skill in your ability slot. Then, equip your second sword or dagger in your Off-Hand slot.
Important note! Your Off-Hand slot is where your second weapon goes. The Secondary slot is only for Multi-Class builds, so don’t place your second weapon there by mistake! A lot of players mix this up, so double-check before wondering why you can’t dual wield properly.
And there you have it—your path to dual wielding mastery in Rune Slayer! It might take a few fights (and maybe some yelling at your screen when Vangar doesn’t drop the book), but once you get it, you’ll pretty much be unstoppable. Now get out there and show those enemies what two blades can do!
If this guide helped you, consider sharing it with your fellow rune slayers. Got any extra tips from your own Vangar fights? Drop them in the comments—I’d love to hear them!