Kurosaki Ichigo joins Sakura Stand in the newest update, with his powers being yours if you obtain every Stage of the Ichigo Spec!
This Spec starts out extremely weak and limited but becomes extremely strong in its latter stages. You just need perseverance and determination to see it through, like Ichigo himself.
In this guide, we’ll tell you how to fully obtain the Ichigo Spec in Sakura Stand, including every single stage.
How To Obtain Ichigo Guide
There’s a total of 4 Stages of Ichigo in Sakura Stand. I’ve provided a Table of Contents below, so you can easily navigate to whichever stage you need help with.
Stage 1

To get Stage 1 of the Kurosaki Ichigo Spec, you simply have to equip Standless and start beating up Hollows. You can do it in either Hueco Mundo or the Overworld, it doesn’t make a difference.
Now, of course, you’ll be at a huge disadvantage! After all, Standless is a weak basic Spec, so you’re greatly limited.
A neat trick here is that Hollows seem to stop attacking entirely if you keep blocking. This can come in handy when you’re waiting for the cooldown of your abilities.
Nonetheless, you just have to defeat Hollows while using Standless until you get the Ichigo Stage 1 Spec. This is completely random, so we wish you the best of luck!
The first stage of the Ichigo Spec only has basic swings (M1) for attacks, so it’s not very noteworthy…
Stage 2

Upgrading your Stage 1 Ichigo to Stage 2 works pretty much the same as how you got Stage 1: go beat up some more Hollows!
Except, this time you have to use the Stage 1 Ichigo Spec instead of Standless. It’s even more limited than Standless is, so this part can require a lot of patience…
Nonetheless, the process is simple here: beat up Hollows as Stage 1 Ichigo until you randomly roll the Stage 2 Ichigo Spec. It’s that simple!
This stage of the Ichigo Spec has more moves, though it’s still extremely limited.
Stage 3

To be able to get the Stage 3 Ichigo Spec, you should have reached Mastery 3 by leveling up your character. This will allow you to take on a new quest from Kisuke’s house in Sakurian City.
Kisuke’s house is a recent addition. It’s the one that looks like an ancient Japanese building, next to the entrance to Hueco Mundo.

To complete the quest, you simply need to kill 20 Hollows and 1 Adjucha. It doesn’t matter which Spec you use for this Stage, as long as you kill enough enemies!

Adjuchas are special variants of Hollows that look like buff humans, as shown above.
Once you’ve killed the required enemies, just return to Kisuke and report your progress in the quest!
Alternatively, you can get Stage 3 Ichigo by rolling the “Substitute Shinigami” banner in the gacha, though it’s not guaranteed until you do 100 rolls.

Stage 3 Ichigo gets, as you might expect, an expanded moveset compared to the previous stages. Most importantly, you’ll also get access to a devastating Bankai attack!
Stage 4

To get the strongest variant of the Kurosaki Ichigo Spec, you will once again need to kill Adjuchas. This time, though, you just need to get a “Hogyoku Fragment” from them.
Hogyoku Fragments are a very rare drop, so you’ll probably need to kill dozens of Adjuchas before you get it! Be patient and persevere, you’ll get it eventually.
Once you manage to get your hands on a Hogyoku Fragment, use it on yourself from your inventory. You’ll consume it and unlock Ichigo’s final stage!

The main addition to Stage 4 Ichigo is the Vasto Lorde transformation. Press Y to equip Ichigo’s Hollow Mask while low on health, then die to automatically trigger the Vasto Lorde form.
This form revives you, allowing you to cheat death. On top of that, you’ll get access to 3 new moves. It’s great for making a comeback when you go down!
With all that said, though, now you know everything you need to be able to get every stage of Kurosaki Ichigo’s Spec in Sakura Stand.