You have a wide arrangement of interesting objects to play with in Secret Staycation if you can find them. You have your mushroom, a carrot, and even a pancake that can be found in the most unusual location that’s still within the confines of the flat you play around in. Well, almost.
It’s actually outside, and there’s only one way to get to that area. If you’ve found the maze, then two things would’ve already happened: You got lost and gave up the ghost in that order.
Check out the guide below if you want to leave the flat and get some fresh air!
Where to Find Pancake Location
The pancake is located in a plant box next to the swing set on the outside area. Getting to the outside area or balcony means that you’re going to have to navigate the maze.
The maze is right underneath the reasonably sized shelf in the middle living room. Getting inside of the maze means using the hole in the wall under the shelf.

When you’re inside of the hole you only have one direction to take and that’s to the left.

The next corridor will have nothing much, so make a left turn when you get to the end. Keep following the hallway and turn left before you get close to a Duck with a Santa hat.

At this point you’re going to have to make two more left turns. Eventually, you’ll make a U-turn that will lead into another long corridor.
At the very end of the long hallway, turn right and then turn left again when you get to the other side.

Everything else that leads to the exit will only require you to take one path. Eventually, you’ll start seeing some wood and gray bricks.
Take another left turn and stay in between the two textures. Then, you’ll find another hole in the wall leading to the balcony.

Now that you’re outside, you’ll be able to locate the pancake without any further issues. Go beyond the swing set where the mushroom is.
Climb the laundry rack and land inside of the plant box.
The pancake is sitting underneath the flowers on top of some dirt. Who knows how long it’s been there.

And that’s where you can find the pancake in Secret Staycation. Feel free to play around with the flopper, just promise us you won’t eat it!
Do you want to see all the locations in one place? Make sure to check out our dedicated guide for All Food locations in Secret Staycation!