Do you know that you can get up to 7 different mounts in Roblox Shadovia? Each mount will have a different appearance, some can look cool, while some can be really cute like the Slime mount!
The Drakoworm is one of the currently available mounts in the game. It has a cool smiley face on top of it, which is absolutely adorable. In this guide, we will show you how to get and craft the Drakoworm Mount in the game.
How To Get & Craft Drakoworm Mount Guide
To craft the Drakoworm Mount, you will need to go to the Blacksmith. Crafting the mount requires using 1 Friendship Rock and 1 Drako Egg. You can also go to an Anvil to craft the mount.
NOTE: If you still don’t have all the areas unlocked, make sure to check out our guide on all the Cubit locations (Shrines & Kindles)!

In order to obtain the Friendship Rock, you will need to defeat the Golems at Brimstone. You can get to the areas by using the Teleportation feature.
The Golems have a chance of dropping a yellow stone, which is the Friendship Rock.

To find the Drako Egg, you will need to defeat the Adult Drakoworms at Upper Desert. After you have teleported to the desert, climb up the ladders and you will reach the Upper area.
Then, go around until you find these small areas with the Drakoworm Adults that are still sleeping. When you defeat them, you will have a chance of getting the Egg.

You can use a Luck Potion to increase your chances of getting the drops from the monsters. This is optional but it can really shorten the time it takes for you to find the two ingredients. Each time you use your potion, you will gain +20% Luck for 5 minutes.

Apart from its cute look, the Drakoworm mount also has a special ability.
- When you Left click – consume a small chunk of stamina to charge toward the enemy, dealing some damage and a short speed boost for a few seconds
- The mount is also Immune to Lava.

That’s how you can get the Drakoworm mount in Shadovia. Mounts can be great ways for you to navigate different terrains, or simply move quicker. Being able to get to different areas more quickly will save you a lot of time, helping you become more efficient at farming.
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