There’s plenty of things you can get while playing Slap Battles. Gloves, recipes, bounty, the list just goes on. One thing you may have noticed while you were playing are the badges. They just pop up randomly as you go about your business in the game.
Now, the badges have caught your attention and are making you do unspeakable things to other players nearby. If you’re trying to get some of them for yourself, then check out the tier list below and see which ones you should get first!
All Badge Glove Based On Their Difficulty Tier List
There are currently 64 badge gloves in Slap Battles including the ones from the recent titan update. Each badge has its own challenges and difficulties, the difficulty will be based on the requirements needed as well.
Badges are your achievements in games, there are badges for gloves that are difficult to get. There’s also badges that are relatively easy, and a few more that don’t really reward you with anything.

Almost Impossible
- Flamarang – Pain incarnate. You need to farm 5 overkills in a single server, which doesn’t really happen a lot.
- Megarock – Another badge that depends on luck. Disconnect from the server even once and you’re going to have to do 10 hours of work all over again.
- Spy – This overshadows Flamarang completely. Instead of killing 5 people, you need to wipe out 1/3rd of the lobby in a slap royale match.
- Bob – One of the most famous gloves in slap battles. It takes at least 2 hours all the way to an entire month to get. Each time you spawn in a Replica, it only has a 1/7500 chance of spawning in Bob. Not only that but you need 29 more hours of spamming replica’s ability too.
- Fish – The only thing you can do while grinding fish is praying, okay you need to do a bit of hiding as well. Using the ability for one hour straight without dying or being woken up is impossible. Players know what you’re doing and will naturally get in your way for fun.
- Detonator – At this point why even try? Killing an entire slap royale lobby is impossible period. It’s the only glove that has a warning about its difficulty, and for good reason.
Very Hard
- Lure – It needs leash, kraken, fish, and squid. All of them are a pain to get but still not impossible if you’re willing to needlessly go the distance.
- Necromancer – Doesn’t really have any special requirements. It’s still twice the effort compared to Rattlebones which gets boring really fast.
- Rob – First thing you need is a good team to survive the boss fight. The boss fight lasts for 45 minutes, if that isn’t enough then you also have to watch out for the meteor glitch.
- Counter – You can get this from the Elude maze. You have to survive the entity called Pim for 3 minutes straight for the glove to spawn in.
- Leash – This one will rely on having to use Discord to find grinding servers. What makes it even harder is convincing other players to use CULT.
- Trap – One of the hardest gloves to obtain upon release. That changed with the introduction of Cloud, which will take nearly two hours to get.
- Boogie and Rhythm – Boogie is the same thing as Leash. The only difference is you have to type in a whole command in chat for it to work. Rhythm requires you to slap 10 different people without dying.
- Link – You’re going to need the Error badge to access this, which will take you about 20k slaps.
- Kinetic – To get Kinetic, you’re going to need a lot of time. That alone already makes it pretty difficult. You also need to do it with friends, which makes you a big target out in the open.
- Psycho – Psycho has some very challenging jumps, that and it’s only a 3% chance to teleport into the realm.
- Alchemist – Most people get alchemist through hosting private servers. After that you have to kill a lot of other players with Plague’s toxic.
- Glitch – Glitch follows the same rules as link. You’re going to need Error again along with a ton of slaps. The catch is that you have to turn an orb to a glitch which leaves you prone to a lot of mistakes.
- Berserk – Just like Kinetic, but needs even more time than usual. It also needs Fish, something that you probably don’t have at the moment.
- Recall – This one needs you to memorize a lot of things. These include: The date when your account was created, your total slaps, and how many players are in the server. Who memorizes all of that? Also, if the chat resets and you don’t provide an answer then you’ll have to do everything all over again.
- Druid – Making the potion with alchemist is the easier part for Druid. The hard part is the minigame where you have to do a little bit of money management.
- Kraken – Kraken is a boss fight where you have to rely on RNG. Kraken’s tentacles have a chance to make it impossible to avoid. This ends up with you getting knocked out of the ship and dying.
- Charge – This one depends on skill because you need to get 5 kills and win a slap royale match. If you’re reading this guide then that alone justifies this badge being on hard tier.
- Elude – All you need to do to get Elude is to beat the Elude maze. You’ll have to find the keypad first which has a 20% chance of spawning every 10 minutes.
- Tinkerer – This needs the help of three people, you included. You also need to go to the Null Zone. Reach the last big room filled with minions and find an opened wall. After that you need to go down a set of stairs and press a lever to open a gate. After that it’s just a matter of getting everyone to stand on one plate and it will open the room where you can get the glove.
- Shard – You’re going to need an overkill user’s help when getting this. They’re not really well known for being cooperative.
- Obby – It’s almost like getting Tycoon but you need someone to transform you into a Megarock. There’s still the risk of someone getting Swapper and banishing you somewhere far off, because why wouldn’t they?
- Chain – Your chances of getting this will vary. You either get this by being good at math, you have a guide, or have a friend who can tell you the code. You’ll be competing with other players trying to get inside so you have to be just as fast as everyone else.
- Mitten – A glove that depends on RNG. Each present has a 1% chance of giving it, but the cooldown is only 10 seconds. This means you have to spend a total of 17 minutes to try and get one.
- Snow – Just like Mitten, but instead your chances are reduced to 0.5% instead.
- Confusion – This is a badge that will require a little bit of teamwork. To start, you need to use spin, then the guy who used spin needs to be slapped by a Reaper user. After that they have to blow up a tycoon spawned by a Tycoon user and get hit by a bus summoned from a Bus user.
Both blowing up the tycoon and being hit by the bus needs to happen while the Reaper’s timer is at 5 seconds or less.
- Quake – Can be easily obtained just like confusion, only difference is you need Berserk.
- Hitman – To get this you need to camp somewhere while spamming Track’s ability. The only thing that makes this difficult is the Track’s slap cost, which amounts to 14,000 slaps.
- Dominance – Getting this will require you to win a slap royale match. Most players struggle with that so putting this on medium makes sense until everybody gets better.
- Hallow Jack – Two things are needed for Hallow Jack: Good luck on spawning the grave and finding a good server. The other thing you need to worry about are the other players trying to get the same thing.
- Voodoo – You need to camp or go AFK with ghost for one hour straight. Sadly you can’t get this in private servers, which makes it more challenging.
- Slapple – Another one that depends on RNG. You can get this in either 10 minutes or up to a total of 5 hours. On the bright side, golden slapples spawn in private servers as well.
- Retro – You can get this by working together with an Error and Glitch user while having Recall equipped. It’s almost as convoluted as getting confusion.
- Sparky – Another badge that will require more teamwork and less outside intervention. Another glove you’ll need for this is Overkill.
- Rattlebones – Rattlebones will rely solely on candy corn grinding.
- Rojo – Just like with the other badges in this tear, Rojo also requires teamwork and good timing. You need a lot of help from other players along with a Bob user.
- Null – Null is available in the Dark Realm. That means you have to combine Bob and Rob and sacrifice another player.
- Orbit – Get this by killing Bob, other people can join in as well if you’re actively trying to obtain it.
- Hammer – You can get this from tool boxes. Tool boxes spawn in quite often and are very unlikely to get stolen by someone else.
- Phase – This is just like the pilot orb but slightly rarer. More people are looking around for it too.
- Bus – All you need is one player and some good timing. Nobody won’t be able to bother you since it doesn’t take a lot of time to hit somebody.
- Tycoon – Tycoon can be obtained by simply standing on the plate for ten minutes in a server with seven people. You can find the plate in the Normal Arena.
- [REDACTED] – You need to get taken by another [REDACTED] user’s ability and escape.
- Disarm – Reach Reaper’s final phase to get disarm, amounting to at least 20 kills. Very easy to obtain in private servers.
- Potato – Trap a player inside of his own bubble to make things easier. It’s unlikely to get this with a random.
- CULT – You can get this the same way as you would with Potato.
- Goofy – All you need is another goofy and confusion player to slap you.
- Rage – Rage can be farmed in private servers. Kill someone with a 50 kill killstreak in order to get it.
- Hybrid – Same with CULT, it’s a glove you can get rather easily. Using Rage mode helps keep the glove on even longer.
- Bubble – Just like Rage, you can get this by farming kills in a private server.
Got Them By Mistake
- Plague – Nobody in the game ever asks for help when getting Plague. Players just get this naturally while trying to go for alchemist.
- RNG – Not that fun to use, but you still get it while using the Dice glove.
- Moon – You can get moon by winning the slap tournament.
- Jupiter – It’s pretty common to find god’s hands, it’s also common to survive or get slapped by it while using moon or anything else.
- Warp – The perfect definition of getting a glove by mistake as it’s so easy to swap with someone falling.
- Bomb – Using an ability while falling is what everybody does so it makes sense that you got this on day one.
- Buddies – Getting this isn’t really a challenge since you it just naturally comes to use while using golden’s ability.
- Jet – Another easy acquisition. You will definitely get this before you even start searching for badges.

And those are the easiest and hardest badges you can get in Slap Battles. Props to you if you ever made it this far!
ALSO READ: Slap Battles: How To Get Titan Glove & Showcase | Roblox