Enough is never enough! A common thought shared by many when it comes to games like Smalland, you’ll be needing everything you can get your hands on after all to lessen the trips you take to the Overland.
One of the materials that will inevitably pop up on your list will be Toad Flesh as you’ll need about twelve of it to craft yourself one of the best armor sets the game has so far. In this guide, you’ll know just where to find all of the toad locations scattered around the map, for all of your crafting necessities of course!
All Toad Locations | Where To Find Toad Flesh | Smalland
Luckily, toads can be found on the map regardless if it is night or day, unlike mosquitoes.
Still, you will need to borrow a few materials from our amphibious friends temporarily by putting them down permanently repeatedly until you get the desired amount.

There are four locations for you to stay at in order to maximize your toad farming gains.
The first one is on the eastern side of the map where the lily pads are. You can find Damselflies here too.
The rest of the three will be on the west side where the swamp lies in wait. The swamps will be your best option if the sight of spiders doesn’t bother you that much. If it does then remember to turn arachnophobia on to make the experience more pleasant.
You can get at least 1-2 pieces of toad flesh for everyone Toad slain, once you have gathered enough you can craft the Greater Health Elixir which can be further used for the Healer Armor, the best armor set in the game so far.
You will have to visit Tuhala and have the rest of the materials in your possession first so go and get busy!
ALSO READ: Smalland: How To Get Healer Armor