Sniper Elite Resistance: All Mission 4 Collision Course Collectibles

Chance favours the prepared.

Abdullah Riaz
14 Min Read

Sniper Elite Resistance features large scale sandbox missions where you can freely explore. Alongside achieving your main objectives, you can also get collectables. One such mission is the Collision Course, which is the fourth one.

If you’re a completionist you’ll want to get all the collectables possible. We have you covered with exactly that! In this guide, we’ll show you the locations of all the collectables in this mission. Without further delay, let’s dive in!

All Mission 4 Collision Course Collectibles

There are a total of 19 collectables that you can find in Mission 4, Collision Course – with some additional unlocks like starting locations that we’ll also go over.. 

We’ll be looking at all the locations starting from the Village Entrance. This is the default location that is already unlocked at the start of the mission.

If you want to get medals in the game too, our wing wing situation medal guide can help you out!

Personal Letter #1

From the Village Entrance, make your way across the water to the location shown below.

Personal Letter 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

It will take you on a cliffside right next to the water. Start by making your way up the path until you reach some vines running down a cliff. Start climbing the vines all the way to the top.

Climbing up vines in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you reach the top, look ahead and you’ll see a tree. The personal letter will be attached to the tree, ready for you to pick up.

Letter on tree in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #1 – Pistol

From the cliff, make your way towards the west until you come upon a small log building shown below on the map.

Pistol Workbench location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

This building will have a sign with the Patriarchal Cross symbol sitting on top of a box. On the left, you’ll see some vines leading up to the window of the top floor. Start by climbing up and entering the window.

Climbing building in Sniper Elite Resistance.

On your right, you should find the first workbench. Interacting with it will give you your Pistol Upgrades.

Pistol workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #2

Go further into the settlement and you’ll find yourself in a courtyard with a fountain shown below on the Sniper Elite Resistance map.

Personal Letter 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

On the right side of the fountain, you’ll find a small shed. Pick the lock of the shed door so that you can enter inside.

Shed in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Inside the shed, you’ll find a bunch of items that you can pick up, including a Schu-Mine. Pick it up and you’ll find the second personal letter underneath it too.

Schu-Mine in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #1

Further north into the same settlement, make your way to the indicated location. You’ll find yourself near some buildings in front of an outpost with a Nazi symbol.

Classified Document 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

From here, enter the building that you can see on the right side of this outpost.

Door near outpost in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Inside this building, look for a staircase that leads up. When you reach the top floor, turn to your left and you’ll find the classified document laying on a table.

Classified document on table in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #2 – SMG

This next location is one you’ll most likely visit as it is where you can find one of the objectives. Specifically, it is one of the ‘destroy salvaged technology objectives’ shown on the Collision Course map below.

SMG Workbench location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Near this objective, you should see a small gate in the direction of a tunnel. Approach this gate and pick the lock to open it.

Gate in Sniper Elite Resistance.

On the left, you should see a ladder that leads underground. Climb down this ladder.

Going down ladder in Sniper Elite Resistance.

This path will lead to a large room with a bunch of tables. You’ll find the workbench on the right and it’ll give you the SMG upgrades when you interact with it.

SMG workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle #1

The stone eagles can be shot from various locations. We’ve found a spot that allows you to shoot most of them from a small proximity. The location where you want to stand is shown below.

Stone Eagle 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll find yourself on the railway bridge. Look towards the large fort and aim at the turret shown below. The first stone eagle will be on top of it, ready to be shot.

Stone eagle near fort in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle #2

The next stone eagle can be shot from the location shown below on the map. You’ll want to face the dam from this spot.

Stone Eagle 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Aim at the spot that we have indicated below. You’ll find the second stone eagle here at the bottom of the dam.

Stone eagle under dam in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle #3

For the final stone eagle, go towards the wooden lodge that you can find near the railway track. The exact location you want to stand on is indicated below.

Stone Eagle 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

From here, you want to face the second salvaged technology objective. After that, aim your scope at the stone cliff shown below. You’ll find the final stone eagle perched on top – but not for long!

Stone eagle on rock in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #1 – Wine Bottle

To obtain the first of the hidden items, make your way to the location shown below on the Collision Course map.

Hidden Item location 1 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Here, you’ll spot a staircase near the road that will lead up into a large lodge. Use the staircase to go all the way up and enter the lodge.

Going up stairs into lodge in Sniper Elite Resistance.

As you enter inside, look towards your left at the bar. The wine bottle can be found on the table ready to be picked up.

Wine bottle in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #2

The next document can be found in the same lodge as the wine bottle. Below is the location you want to head to.

Classified Document 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the lodge and go through the doorway that can be found past the bar. This room is the one that contains a safe. On one of the tables, you’ll be able to find the second classified document.

Classified document near boxes in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Starting Location #2 – Dam Lookout

The Village Entrance is the first starting location that is available by default. There are two other starting locations you can unlock so you can begin from a different spot. 

Start by making your way in the location shown below and heading towards the highlighted symbol for Switchback Road.

Starting location 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you reach this symbol, you should find a tent snuggled in a corner. Interact with the bonfire there and you’ll have unlocked this starting location.

Dam lookout starting location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #3

From the Dam Lookout starting location, head to the east. You’ll find yourself near a large building indicated on the map.

Classified Document 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Near this building, you’ll find a large tent. Inside the tent, you’ll find the third classified document on a table.

Documents under tent in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #3

For the third personal letter, head to the east side of the dam. You’ll also be able to find an objective here for the emergency pump, shown below.

Personal Letter 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, look towards the large cranes. Here, you should be able to spot a circular building which has a turret on top. Go up the stairs to the top of the building.

Turret stairs in Sniper Elite Resistance.

On the top of a crate next to the turret, you’ll find the third personal letter ready for you to pick up.

Document near turret in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #4

The next classified document will require you to head into the building where you find the ‘Disable the Emergency Pump’ objective. The location you want to go to is shown below.

Classified Document 4 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Start by entering the building and going down the staircase on the right. As you go down the staircase, look towards the left. You should spot the classified document on a desk nearby.

Document near stairs in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #3 – Rifle

The final workbench can be found in the same building as before where the Emergency Pump objective is. You’ll want to head to the marker that is indicated on the Sniper Elite Resistance map.

Rifle Workbench location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Inside this building, head through the doorway that leads down. On the left, you’ll see a doorway that leads into the Pump Room. Enter inside but be prepared as there are some enemies.

Emergency Pump room door in Sniper Elite Resistance.

In the pump room, you’ll see another door that leads to the control room on the left. To get inside, you’ll need to pick the lock.

Control room door in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Next to one of the walls with a poster, you’ll find the last workbench. Interact with it to get the Rifle upgrades.

Rifle workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Starting Location #3 – Power Station

Just outside the Pump Room building on the right, you’ll see the marker for the Pump House. Head towards it as shown below.

Starting location 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Over here, you’ll spot a small gate that is locked. Pick the lock and open it to unlock the last of the starting locations. Now you’ll be able to start the mission from wherever you want.

Pump house gate in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #4

Next, we’ll be heading down the road to the top right corner of the map near the Pump House starting location. The exact spot is shown below.

Personal Letter 4 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll find yourself near a check post on the road. Next to the check post, you’ll find a small building up some small stairs. The fourth letter will be on the desk near a window.

Personal letter in checkpost in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #5

For the final letter, go down the road towards the find and eliminate intel sources objective. The exact location you want to head to is indicated on the Collision Course map.

Personal Letter 5 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

As you head down the road, you should spot a broken down shed with a ladder leading up. At the bottom of the ladder, you’ll find the personal letter sitting on some crates.

Personal letter at bottom of ladder in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #2 – Propaganda Poster

The second hidden item location is shown on the map below near the railyard.

Hidden Item location 2 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

From here, go down the stairs so that you can get onto the railway tracks. At the end of the tunnel, you should spot the poster on one of the walls.

Propaganda poster near tracks in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #3 – Gas Mask

For the final hidden item, head to the manor where the two Scientists are hiding for the eliminate intel resources objective. The exact location is shown on the map below.

Hidden Item location 3 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Head inside the manor and make your way down to the basement. You’ll be going here anyway to eliminate an intel source. On the right of this table, you should spot the gas mask on another table – ready for you to pick up!

Gas Mask in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #5

The last collectable on Collision Course can be found in the same manor as the gas mask, where the intel source is. You’ll want to head to the location below.

Classified Document 5 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the manor from the entrance shown below and turn right. You’ll find a staircase that leads all the way up.

Manor entrance in Sniper Elite Resistance.

At the end of the halfway, enter the open doorway on the right. Near one of the windows, you’ll spot a desk with the Findings Report on it. Pick it up and now you should have obtained all 19 collectables possible on the map!

Classified document in manor in Sniper Elite Resistance.

That’s everything you need to know about all the mission 4 collectables for Collision Course in Sniper Elite Resistance. Be sure to also get the starting spots if you plan to replay the mission as it will give you different approaches when doing them again!

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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