Sniper Elite Resistance: All Mission 5 Devil’s Cauldron Collectibles

You and me and the devil makes three!

Abdullah Riaz
12 Min Read

Sniper Elite Resistance features quite a few large scale missions where players have complete freedom in how they approach objectives. Besides that, there are a bunch of collectibles you can also obtain in these missions. One mission that has a lot of them is Mission 5, Devil’s Cauldron.

If you’re a completionist or just want to collect the lore, you’ll want to get your hands on all of them. So, in this guide, we’ll be showing you the locations of all the mission 5 collectibles. Without further delay, let’s get into it!

All Mission 5 Devil’s Cauldron Collectibles

In Devil’s Cauldron, you can obtain a total of 19 collectibles. Besides that, there are also starting locations and workbenches you can also get if you’re interested in the medals. So, we’ll be going over all of them.

We recommend that you clear out all the enemies in each of the locations we mention before trying to get the collectibles. Enemies in the game can get really overwhelming and killing them will ensure you won’t have to worry about being attacked while looking for items.

Additionally, we’ll be using the East Checkpoint as a starting location which is already unlocked as default.

If you also want to get the collectibles in the previous mission, our all mission 4 collectibles guide has you sorted!

Workbench #1 – SMG

For the first workbench, you want to make your way to the location shown below, which is just before the entrance to a large bunker.

Workbench 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, make your way into the bunker and keep to the left. Go past the truck and open the door that you see. When you do so, you should see the workbench on your left. Interact with it and you’ll get the SMG upgrade.

SMG workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #1

Next up, make your way to the building indicated on the Sniper Elite Resistance map below.

Classified document 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the building and make your way up the stairs. You’ll find the document on a desk that is next to a clock.

Document on table near clock in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #1

From the building, head up north to the first road you see. The position you want to go to is indicated.

Personal letter 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, you should see a checkpost. There are a lot of enemies here too so be careful. Enter the checkpost and you should see the personal letter on the table inside.

Document in checkpost in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #2

For the next personal letter, head to the location shown below on the map.

Personal letter 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

This area contains a lot of paths and fences so it can be a bit confusing to navigate. But in the corner, you should find some boxes next to a gate. The personal letter will be on top of them.

Document on boxes in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #1 – Le Maquis Voit Tout

Next up, you’ll be heading to the church which can be found in the following location.

Hidden item 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter through the front gate but do not enter the church. Instead go to the left side and you should find the Le Maquis Voit Tout poster next to a large cross.

Poster on church wall in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #2 – Rifle

After that, you’ll want to head inside the church. The location of it is shown again.

Workbench 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you enter the church, you’ll want to make your way to the basement. You can do this by picking the locked door that is on your hard left when you enter inside. At the bottom, you’ll find the workbench at the back of the room. Interact with it and you’ll get the rifle upgrade!

Rifle workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #3

This next location can be found by heading to the large building that you make out on the map.

Personal letter 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the building and make your way up the stairs. From there, go all the way back and enter the room on the right. You’ll find the personal letter inside a dresser next to the bed.

Document in dresser in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #4

Exit the building and make your way towards the cliff above the water. The exact location you want to head to is shown below.

Personal letter 4 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Walk along the path next to the water and you’ll come across an outpost with some enemies. The personal letter can be picked up from the wooden bench.

Document on outpost bench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Starting Location #2 – Coastal Landing

The first starting location is the East Checkpoint that is already unlocked. To unlock the next one, head to the marker that is indicated below.

Starting location 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

To get to the marker, you’ll need to go down a set of stairs. At the bottom, you should find a locked gate. Open it and now you’ll be able to use this spot as a starting location for this mission!

Coastal landing gate in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #2

Next, you’ll want to head into the same building where you complete the ‘Find a way to destroy the U-boat’ objective. The location is shown below with the objective marker.

Classified document 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll want to get to the first floor of the building, with the easiest way being to use the ladder outside. After that, you should see a table with the document on it ready to be picked up.

Classified document for U-boat in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle Location #1, #2 and #3

There is a great position that allows you to shoot down all the stone eagles with you having to move around minimally. The general location of this spot is shown below. 

You can also see the direction of the stone eagle locations in relation to this position.

Stone eagle locations in Sniper Elite Resistance.

For the first stone eagle, aim towards the large crane with red lights on it. You should be able to make out the stone eagle on it.

Stone eagle near crane in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Next, walk down the road a little bit and look towards the water. You should be able to make out a lighthouse. The second stone eagle can be shot down on top of it.

Lighthouse stone eagle in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Finally, turn right from the road and go down as far as you can until you’re past the giant lodge on the left. Aim towards the bridge and look to the right side of it. You should be able to make out the stone eagle on the cliff.

Bridge stone eagle in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #2 – Laboratory ID

For the next location, you’ll want to head to another bunker that can be found in the area below.

Hidden item 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, enter the bunker and go through the door on the left

Bunker door in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Go through the hallway and then enter the room on the hard right. You should see the laboratory ID on a lit up desk.

Letter on table in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #3 – Playing Cards

After that, make your way to the following location that you can actually reach from the bunker via a zipline. The location is shown below in the image.

Hidden item 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll see some enemies here standing around a fire. There will be some crates next to them. The playing cards can be found on them.

Playing cards in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #3

For the next document, you’ll want to head to one of the buildings near the bridge. The location is indicated below.

Classified document 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You can use the stairs from underneath the bridge to access the building. Enter the building and make your way inside. You’ll see a table on the left that has the classified document alongside some ammo.

Document near ammo in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #5

Next, you’ll want to head to the following location that you’ll find next to the building shown on the map.

Personal letter 5 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter this building and you’ll see a bunch of beds. The personal letter can be found on the table alongside the Factory Maintenance Key.

Document near maintenance key in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Starting Location #3 – Quarry Lake

To unlock the final starting location, you’ll want to go to the following section of the map.

Starting location 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you do so, look in the corner and you’ll see a ledge that you can climb next to a building. After climbing, you should see a campfire that you can light. Doing so will allow you to unlock Quarry Lake starting location.

Quarry lake campfire in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #3 – Pistol

The final workbench can be found near the Quarry lake starting location. You’ll find a bunker there with the location shown below.

Workbench 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the bunker and keep to the left. As you turn, start by going through the double doors and you’ll find yourself in a hallway. There will be a room on the left that has a vent that you can enter through.

Vent in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Crawl through the vent so that you can access the other room. The workbench will be in this room next to a poster. Interact with it so that you can unlock the pistol upgrade for Devil’s Cauldron.

Pistol workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #4

For the remaining documents, you’ll want to head to the building with the ‘Find a way to disable production’ objective. The marker for it is shown below.

Classified document 4 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Climb up the stairs and enter one of the rooms with equipment. Next to one of the windows, you should find the document on one of the tables.

Document near window in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #5

The final document is the one that you need to pick up to complete the main objective in this area.

To find the document, you’ll need to open the safe here. The key for the safe can be found on one of the scientists after you shoot them down.

Dead scientist in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Pick up the document from inside the safe and you’ll complete the objective too.

And with that, you’ll have obtained all 19 collectables in Devil’s Cauldron!

Document in safe in Sniper Elite Resistance.

That’s everything you need to know to get all the mission 4 collectibles for Devil’s Cauldron in Sniper Elite Resistance. While you can go to all these locations in any order, we recommend doing the last two at the end as they’re related to the main objective.

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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