In Soul Knight Prequel, there is a wide variety of maps and other challenges that you can clear for all sorts of rewards. Among these are boss fights that drop specific kinds of weapons and armor.
In this guide, we’ll be quickly going through what the Void Varkolyn boss drops, as well as what these weapons can do. If you haven’t already, check out this guide to learn how to beat this boss and many more!
All Weapon Boss – Void Varkolyn Guide
The Void Varkolyn is one of the strongest bosses in the game, which you will face later on once you have progressed pretty far into the story.
SIDE NOTE: We have a guide which covers all the boss weapons in Soul Knight Prequel. Make sure to check it out as well!
The boss itself can drop four different weapons. Refer to the image below to see what their icons look like:

Fatebound Effect
In a nutshell, the Spirit of Varkolyn fatebound receive bonus Dark damage based on your Hybrid Attack Power. Each hit will apply a mark that stacks up to five times and detonates after a short delay.
The set effects are the following:
- One Piece – No effect.
- Two Pieces – Deal 100% Dark damage based on your Hybrid Attack Power.
- Three Pieces – Deal 200% Dark damage based on your Hybrid Attack Power

The first weapon is the Varkolyn’s Bite, which is a sword & shield. It has a base melee attack that simply involves slashing enemies in front of you.
In addition to that, it also has a charged ranged attack that causes your shield to fire projectiles that deal a ton of damage.

Second is the Touch of Varkolyn, which is a legendary greatsword. In addition to its base attacks, its charged move causes the user to leap forward and summon giant tentacles that will attack nearby enemies.

Next up, Varkolyn’s Hexbow is a fast-firing bow that’s great for any ranged class. Its charged attack is very similar to the sword and shield’s one, except the projectiles are a bit more spread out.

Finally, the Varkolyn’s Kahili M is a legendary staff that fires dark orbs that deal a decent amount of damage. Its charged attack summons fields of cosmic energy that deal damage over time to anything on it.

And those are all of the weapons that you can get from the Void Varkolyn boss in Soul Knight Prequel. Now, go and grind for whichever of these weapons best fits your playstyle and class!
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