In most games, Side Quests can be a great way to experience more of what that game has to offer. Some games handle this though with not-so-interesting quests like fetch or kill quests. In Spider-Man 2, there are some fun Side Stories that you can do in the game. Not only do you get to experience more content, but usually these stories also feature fighting and puzzle solving.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can do the Homecoming Side Story in the game. Now, let’s see what steps you need to do to complete it!
Homecoming Guide
When going through the huge map of Spider-Man 2, you’ll see that it’s divided by districts.
These areas often have a lot of different things you can do inside, like Photo Ops and even side stories. Doing the Side Stories is a great way to make XP as well as obtaining Tech Parts or City Tokens.
Make sure to go check out our guide on How to Find Ms. Ferguson if you haven’t already!
Side Story Location
The Homecoming Side Story is in the Brooklyn Visions Campus which is in the Williamsburg district. You can see the icon of the side story in the image below.

The character in question that you’ll need to find is on one of the elevated areas of the campus shown below. It’ll be an NPC in front of a whiteboard, go there and talk to the NPC to start the quest.

Finding The Rented Generator
Once you talk to the NPC, they’ll task you with finding some generators that he rented. You’ll be given a waypoint as shown below, just web-swing your way there!

When you get to the area, a small cutscene will play showing a bunch of bad guys trying to steal the generator.
You’re a superhero so, of course, you’ll need to jump in and stop them. Once you’ve defeated all the enemies in the area, you can then go talk to the guy next to the generator.
After learning what happened to the generator, you’ll be tasked with going back to the NPC that gave you the quest.

Generator Puzzle
Since the rented generator is fried, we’ll need to find one on the school campus. You’ll be given a new waypoint just above where you talk to the NPC.
Follow that waypoint and you can scan the nearby generator shown in the image below. You can do this by pressing the L2 button and looking at the generator.

Once you scan the generator, you’ll need to go up to it and press L1+Square to activate it. When it’s activated, you’ll then need to connect the generator as shown below.
You can do this by creating a webline between the Conduits using the Triangle button.

The goal here is to connect the generators using the bright yellow conduits. The next one is at the edge of the platform the generator is on.

After you connect the last one, the next one is below near where you just came from. Connect the two conduits shown below.

Lastly, you’ll need to go down to where the NPC and the monitors are and connect the last two conduits to power them up. Once that’s done, talk to the NPC again.

Helping Vijay
Once you talk to them, you’ll need to go up one of the lamp posts in the area marked on your HUD. Go up there and watch the homecoming date go to the whiteboard.
The Whiteboard will then need to be flipped. Look at the whiteboard and press L1+R1 to flip it. I have to wonder why he’s not freaking out some webs suddenly flipped the whiteboard.

Next up is a poster that’s going to be stuck. This homecoming plan isn’t as well prepared as it seems. Same as the whiteboard, just aim at it and press L1+R1.

Lastly, a short cutscene will play and one of the monitors will be faulty. Use your Chain Lightning by pressing L1+Square to power it up.
Surprisingly, it doesn’t fry anyone nearby like how Chain Lightning usually works.
After that, another cutscene will play and that will be the end of the Side Story!

That’s how you can complete the Homecoming Side Story in Spider-Man 2. Now, go out there and try to do it yourself!
ALSO READ: Spider-Man 2: Light Beam Paths Puzzle Guide