While Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has you going out and exploring locations with the Mantis, it’s not the only place where you can sit down and relax. Pyloon’s Saloon is Greez’s saloon that he built when he left the gang.
Inside the saloon, you can find a fish tank that’s empty, but you can get some fishes inside the tank with the help of a diver named Skoova. But where are all of the fishes located? In this guide, we will show you where you can find all of the fishes in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
All 12 FISH Locations
Before we start, I would recommend that you look for the fishes after beating the game. Some fishes are hidden in areas that cannot be accessed unless you gain certain upgrades that are only unlocked in the story. Some of those upgrades are near the end of the game, which is why it’s recommended to finish it first before looking for the fishes.
Fingerlip Garpon
Starting off with the easiest fish to find, the Fingerlip Garpon. This fish can be found in Rambler’s Reach.

Big Mouth Faa
In Basalt Forest, there is a fish called the Big Mouth Faa, which you can find here.

Frilled Newt
Near the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point, you can find a Frilled Newt to the side where there are Shiverpedes hiding.

See Fish
In Prospector’s Folly, there is a large pool of water next to a zipline. In the water, you can find the See Fish.

Blinding Rayfish
In the Devastated Settlement, there is a Blinding Rayfish that you can find on a pillar that is still standing.

Barbed Hookfish
For this next fish, you will need to have Merrin’s Charm and the ability to ride Nekko’s. Once you do, go to this location on the map.

Once you are on a Nekko, jump up with the Nekko to reach the edge of this building. Once you do, go inside.

Once inside the building, use Merrin’s Charm and dash through the green force field to get through.

Drop down into the hole and follow the path that leads you to a locked door.

After opening the door, you should end up back in the Smuggler’s Tunnels from early in the game.

Drop down to the water below until you find Skoova. Talk to him to get the Barbed Hookfish.

Blue Finned Crayfish
In the Bygone Settlement, you can find a Blue Finned Crayfish here when you first exit the Basalt Forest.

Mee Fish
In Prospector’s Folly, you can find a Mee Fish near the waterfall.

There is Glottsamcrab in the Viscid Bog. You will need to be careful when talking to Skoova, as you can fall into the tar.

Viscid Lurker
In Prospector’s Folly, there is a shed that is guarded by Bedlam Raiders. You will need to enter the shed and go underground, where there is a cave system below.

When you reach this area, do not go forward as you will exit the cave. Instead, go down deeper to the bottom of the cave.

There, you will find Skoova near a pool of water. This is the last fish you can find on Koboh.

Fantailed Laa
Leaving Koboh and going to Jedha, head to the Crypt of Uhrma on the Pilgrim’s Path. There, you will find a Fantailed Laa.

Entering the Narkis Desert, there is a body of water next to the entrance of the Hidden Path base. There, you can find a Snakefish. That will be the last of the fishes, and your fish tank will be full. You will soon get the trophy/achievement as well.

That’s all you need to know about the location of the fishes. Did you manage to find all of them? Let us know in the comments below.
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