Star Wars Jedi: Survivor features a lot of collectibles, just like Fallen Order. The collectibles range from chests, seeds, databanks etc. As you continue through the game, you will unlock more abilities that allow you to unlock more parts of the Hunter’s Quarry that you could not explore when you started the game. If you do have all of the abilities, then it’s high time for you to start collecting everything.
In this guide, we will show you where the collectible’s are located in the Hunter’s Quarry area in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
All Hunter’s Quarry Collectible Locations
Before we start, I strongly recommend that you find all of the upgrades that shows all of the collectibles on the map. Looking for collectibles will be made so much easier, as they are abundantly spread out all over the game. I also recommend waiting until you finish the game to get all of the upgrades, as you can only acquire some of these collectibles after getting certain upgrades.
The first collectible we will start off is the Seed Pod for the Nabooan Green variant of the Pine Fern.

You can find the next set of collectibles close to each other; a Force Echo, Databank, and Essence in one area.

You can find the next collectibles: a Datadisc and a Force Tear. Both are located in the same room.

If you want to get the original variant of the Pine Fern, then you can get it in this location.

In the next area, there is a chest that contains the Hunter jacket and a Databank that BD-1 can scan.

Not far from the last collectibles, you can find a Force Echo.

There is another chest that contains a jacket called Bomber located here.

The next collectible is a scan for BD-1.

There are three collectibles next to each other located here. You will find a scan, Force Echo, and a chest containing BD-1 materials.

You can spice up your garden with the Dathomirian Red variant of the Catcus Ball by grabbing it here.

In the Roller Mine Factory building, you can find a Force Echo, scan, Priorite Shard, and a an Essence when you enter it.

And that’s all of the collectibles you can find in the Hunter’s Quarry location on Koboh. Did you manage to find all of the collectibles? Let us know in the comments below if this guide was helpful.
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