As a self-proclaimed achievement hunter and completionist, I was THRILLED when I realized that this sweet little plant game has multiple endings and loads of achievements to unlock. Here’s a step by step breakdown on how to get all of them.
Let’s start with achievements.
All Achievements Guide – Strange Horticulture
A Mystery Solved: Find a Bryer’s Disk location
When you begin the game you will have a stone disk in your items, this is the Bryer’s Disk. It has a square shaped hole in the middle and markings around the edge that are accompanied by arrows. You will not be able to use this until Day 7. On Day 7 you will receive a letter from the mailman that says “Kentmere Eye”. This is your clue. You will use The Will to Explore to open your travel map, and place the Bryer’s Disk so the square is lined up with the Kentmere square (C24) and look at where the arrow by the eye is pointing (E27). Go to this location and you will receive a plant and unlock the achievement.

Apprentice: Identify 10 plants
This achievement will unlock through gameplay as you handle customers. This should happen at the end of Day 2.
Back from the Brink: Recover from Rising Dread
Nobody’s perfect, so you don’t have to get things right on the first shot. Make enough mistakes and your Rising Dread meter will fill up and you will fail. But don’t worry, you’ll be given a puzzle to solve, and once you have you will have unlocked Back from the Brink and will return to your day.

Banished: Perform the Ritual
You will get this achievement if you complete Ending I or Ending II.
Beginnings: Handle your first customer
Very straightforward, attend to your first customer on Day 1.
Cat Lover: Pet Hellebore 13 times
You’ll notice a black cat on your reception desk, that’s Hellebore. In order to pet him, just click on him.

Ending: Complete the game
Beat the game and achieve any ending.
Experienced Horticulturist: Identify all the plants
You will unlock most of the plants as you play out the story. There is an additional Day 17 where Simone gives you the opportunity to identify the rest.
Explorer: Visit 20 map locations
This can be achieved during your first playthrough just by following the natural story progression using The Will to Explore.
Extreme Consequences: Murder Burbridge
There s a particularly annoying customer named Isidore Burbridge. He is your first customer on Day 2. He will ask for the Gandyroot and you will give it to him. The next day he will come in and complain. We’re going to be spiteful and give him Meakdew which will make him break out in sites. On Day 5 he will return and threaten to report you to the mayor. Give him Storian which will kill him.
Guardian of the Forest: Save the Sisterhood
On Day Ten Bethany from the Sisterhood will come to you and ask for assistance with a protection ritual. She will leave a map that lead you to I19. Once there you are prompted to leave either Embersoul or Cauldery. You must choose Embersoul because it has protective properties.
Hidden Texts: Activate the viewing device
Before we can activate the viewing device, we need to find it. On Day 5 Simone Green will come to your store to get her Common Trouse. She will tell you about a strange man who is wanting to meet you. His location is west of Sedbergh and at the source of the river Winter. Or J22 on the map. When you get there, you will receive instructions to go two miles south and three miles east. Or L25 on the map. When you get there you will receive the viewing device and a letter which explains how the viewing device works. In order to activate the viewing device you will need Red Abony. On Day 6 you can use the clue card to get the location of the Red Abony (I14). Pick up the Red Abony and place it in the plant slot for the Viewing device and it will activate.

Horticulturist: Complete a full playthrough without using the hint button
You can easily do this on your first playthrough, but if you’re having trouble you can always get it right the next time.
I am the Dendrew: Take control of the Servant
You will get this achievement if you get Ending III.
Master Brewer: Create an Elixir
You will need to craft at least one Elixir during gameplay, so just follow the main storyline and you’ll unlock this achievement. You will be able to complete this on Day 11.
On the Map: Solve your first clue card
From Day 2 you will start receiving clue cards. To unlock this achievement, solve any clue card you receive.
Praise the Dendrew: Bring about the Redemption
You will unlock this achievement if you get Ending VIII.
Secrets: Open the secret drawer
On Day 1 you will find a scrap of paper with a flower drawn on it on your fourth self from the left. Pack that away, because you’ll only be able to use it on Day 8. On Day 8 you will be visited by Amos Duncan and he will give you 4 more scraps that he says he found in the pocket of an overcoat that belonged to your uncle. You’ll be able to line these up on your workspace along the torn lines where they fit together. On your workspace you will see faint pictures of flowers that look like the flowers on the scrap paper. Pressing in each square will scroll through options of flowers. Match these to the scraps you have just lined up and you will be able to open the drawer and unlock this achievement.
That is how you unlock all 18 achievements for Strange Horticulture!
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