
Super People: All Classes Explained

Spoiled for choice!

Super People All Classes Explained

Hero or Class based shooter games are always fun the first time playing it. You’re spoiled for choices and each character your try is fresh and new. Players can enjoy learning the gimmicks of a class and see what sticks and what they’re good at. There is also the added factor of their cool looks, unique abilities and so on. This can give the player a lot of gameplay variety despite the core gameplay loop being simple and repetitive. Having unique characters or classes can be fun and tactical, timing your abilities or setting up your character to be the strongest they can be adding to the action of a normal shooter game. This is all true for Super People, in this guide we’ll show you all the classes and explain the basics of each one.

All Classes Explained In Super People

There are many classes in the game Super People, and most of them have multiple unique playstyles as well as perks that you need to remember. If you’re a new player looking for a class you want to start with, this is the guide for you.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Driver is a frankly, broken character and a lot of people agree to that statement. They can summon vehicles which already gives them a huge mobility boost for him and his team. Not only that but he gets corrected aim while shooting from a vehicle as well as defensive buffs while inside it. His ultimate ability spawns in a monster truck which is just the strongest vehicle in the game and can be quite a combination along with his other perks.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

Firearms Expert is the most basic class there is. They get bonus damage for using firearms in general and get buffs for their gun’s reload speed and magazine capacity. They also get buffs for using the game’s leaning system as well as an ultimate that slows enemies down making it easier for him to shoot them. A very beginner friendly class that doesn’t shine as well as the others.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Gas Soldier is a very niche class because almost all of his abilities and buffs require him to have consumables with him. This can be a detriment if you’re just unlucky and don’t get as much consumables as you want in a game. His main focus is throwables where he can throw Molotov Cocktails farther as well as turning the smoke screens into toxic gas that heals him.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Gatling soldier specializes in short range combat, with his special ability to use his gatling gun. 9 out of 10 times when someone duels a Gatling Soldier in a gun fight, the Gatling soldier wins. He has a lot of buffs to himself that can make him into a tank that also hits just as hard. The main weakness of this class is long range engagements.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Marine is a class that excels in stealth and combat around water. They get massive buffs while in the water as well as damage buffs when shooting up like from a prone position. His ultimate ability is to make a fog of war around him that makes him quieter as well as making it easier for him to see the enemy within the cloud.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Nuclear class is a class that specializes in area denial. Her Molotov cocktails instead make fire walls that deals damage when someone goes through it. She also has an ability to use a rocket launcher which is usually high damage and runs on a cooldown. Her ultimate ability is to fire a nuke that can easily wipe out an entire squad.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Seeker specializes in information gathering and fighting near ice storms. They get a bonus when near an ice storm as well as having abilities like a heartbeat sensor to track down enemies. They also get a bonus when leaning right, but not left. He can also make Molotov cocktail traps.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Shotgun master specializes in close range combat and often one shot or two shots enemies with well-placed shotgun shots. They get a bonus for fire rate and reload speeds for shotguns. Also, they have better flashbang grenades to help you get closer to the enemy. He also has a lot of mobility buffs and skills to help him hug the enemy longer.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Sniper class is as self-explanatory as the Shotgun Master or Gatling Soldier. It’s a class that specializes in long range engagements and gets bonuses when aiming down sights for more than one second. They hit hard at long range but they’re pretty vulnerable at short range.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

Strike Force is a class that focuses on Mobility and nothing else. They have many bonuses to using SMGs and movement to their advantage. Also, they have an ultimate ability that makes them faster. They focus on going super-fast and hitting often.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Swat class specializes in attacking enemies in buildings. They have special abilities and buffs that help them in clearing out buildings filled with enemies. When breaching a building they can create a smoke screen as well as buff themselves with more damage and movement, and damaging anyone in the room.

Source: CaptRobGames – YouTube

The Teleporter mainly uses his teleportation abilities to either defensive or offensive attacks. They also specialize in semi-automatic weapons and jumping in and out of engagements. They also have a passive headshot damage reduction as well as higher crawl and crouch speed. This makes it a very movement-oriented class.

Congratulations that’s all the classes in Super People, now go out there and try them all to see what you like. Many thanks to CaptRobGames for breaking down each class for everyone, if you want more information on a specific class go check his video out here: SUPER PEOPLE Class Guide – All Classes Explained! – YouTube

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