Tag: Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta 3: All Chapter 13 Collectible Locations

Bayonetta 3 is a slash-action game in which characters will experience playing…

Martin Dojranliev

Bayonetta 3: Chapter 11 Hidden Item Location

Bayonetta 3 is an action slash game where players will control Bayonetta…

Martin Dojranliev

Bayonetta 3: All Chapter 10 Umbran Tear Locations

Bayonetta 3 is an action-adventure game where players will experience a lot…

Martin Dojranliev

Bayonetta 3: All Chapter 1 Collectible Locations

Hunting for collectibles in video games is always a chore, but only…

Elijah Hernandez

Bayonetta 3: Side Chapter 3 Teapot Location

The Bayonetta franchise is well known for its eccentric and confident titular…

Elijah Hernandez

Bayonetta 3: Side Chapter 3 Affinity Location

Bayonetta does not only fight demons like most characters we know (looking…

Elijah Hernandez

Bayonetta 3: Chapter 8 Tricky Terrain Challenge

Another action-adventure hack and slash game is out there and it’s Bayonetta…

Jon Suan

Bayonetta 3: All Chapter 5 Umbran Tear Locations

There’s a new hack and slash action game out there and it’s…

Jon Suan

Bayonetta 3: How to Get Costumes From First & Second Game

Bayonetta 3 has very interesting costumes that you will be able to…

David Mickov

Bayonetta 3: Chapter 8 Secret Room (Bewitchment Guide)

There’s a new Bayonetta game and it’s filled to the brim with…

Jon Suan

Bayonetta 3 – How to Unlock Secret Chapter Costume

Bayonetta 3 will give you plenty of options of how you can…

David Mickov

Bayonetta 3: All Chapter 8 Collectible Locations

There’s a new action-adventure hack and slash game out there and it’s…

Jon Suan

Bayonetta 3: Chapter 9 Weight Puzzle Solution

While Bayonetta 3’s core gameplay is insanely fun, it can get pretty…

Elijah Hernandez

Bayonetta 3: How To Open The Temple Door In Chapter 7

Bayonetta 3 is a nonstop action game where you will complete various…

Martin Dojranliev

Bayonetta 3: All Chapter 7 Umbran Tear Locations

There’s a new Bayonetta game out and it’s jam-packed filled with style…

Jon Suan