Tag: Genshin Impact

All 6 Bokuso Arts Locations – Genshin Impact

A Bokuso Box is a new gadget that is essential in exploring…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: One Hundred Sights of Dihua | Eight Locales Over Mountains & Seas Event Day 5

Kichiboushi is an adorable tanuki that would like to learn more about…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber Guide

The Traveler has a new friend called Kichiboushi who is an adorable…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: Snowswept Fairytale Dragonspine | Eight Locales Over Mountains & Seas Event

Genshin Impact has a new event called Eight Locales over Mountains and…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: Golden Calendula Swirl Perfect Quality Guide

During the Lantern Rite Festival in update 2.4, we receive a new…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: Kindled Trees by The Moonlit Window Perfect Quality

One of the events in the 2.4 update of Genshin is the…

Stefany Hernandez

Defeat Beisht Before She Can Dive 4 Times Guide | Genshin Impact

Beisht is the wife of Osial that is threatening the lives of…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: Flameplume Starflowers Part 3 Guide

The Lantern Rite in update 2.4 takes the Lantern Rite festival up…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: Oceanic Defender Challenge | Beisht Boss Fight Avenger of the Vortex

As people in Liyue are busy preparing for the Lantern Rite, Ningguang…

Stefany Hernandez

Genshin Impact: Wondrous Shadows Part 3 All 3 Lantern Riddles

Lantern Rite is now in full swing, and there are numerous events…

Stefany Hernandez

Return to Safe Harbor Guide – Genshin Impact

The items of the Jade Chamber are incredibly valuable, and the treasure…

Stefany Hernandez

Flameplume Starflowers Part 2 Best Quality Rating 4000 – Genshin Impact

Flameplume Starflowers is a new event with the lantern rite festival in…

Stefany Hernandez

Enkanomiya The Serpents Bowels All Treasure Chests, Seelie, & Time Trial Challenges – Genshin Impact

The Serpent’s Bowels is one of the small islands connected to the…

Stefany Hernandez

Perfect Quality The Silver Night is Full of Stars – Genshin Impact

We probably all know how smelting in Genshin Impact works at this…

Filip Kitanovski

2700 The Mountain Clouds Let Down Golden Rain – Genshin Impact

When it comes to any type of smelting you need to know…

Filip Kitanovski