Tag: Lost Ark

Lost Ark: All Rethramis Cooking Locations

Lost Ark has a lot of foods you can cook which can…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Delphi Township Mokoko Seed Locations

You can find hundreds of Mokoko seeds in Lost Ark by exploring…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Tomb Of The Great King Luterra Mokoko Seed Locations

Searching for seeds in the Tomb of the Great King Lutheran is…

Filip Kitanovski

Lost Ark: All Flowering Orchard Mokoko Seed Locations

Searching for seeds in the Flowering Orchard can be problematic as the…

Filip Kitanovski

Lost Ark: All Ankumo Mountain Mokoko Seed Locations

When you search in the Ankumo Mountain map, you will find relatively…

Filip Kitanovski

Lost Ark: All Rethramis Border Mokoko Seed Locations

Rethramis Border is one of the many locations where you will need…

Filip Kitanovski

Lost Ark: All Aquilok’s Tail Mokoko Seed Locations

Aquilok's Tail Is a rocky area covered with grass. Here you need…

Filip Kitanovski

Lost Ark: All Saland Hill Mokoko Seed Locations

In Saland Hill, we are looking for 9 Mokoko Seeds, meaning, nine…

Filip Kitanovski

Lost Ark: All Morai Ruins Mokoko Seed Locations

The Morai Ruins is one of the few ruins you can explore…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Mount Zagoras Mokoko Seed Locations

Mount Zagoras is one of the areas you can explore on the…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Sapira Cave Mokoko Seed Locations

The Sapira Cave in Lost Ark is filled with sacs,  goo, and…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Ozhorn Hill Mokoko Seed Locations

The sandy and hot terrain of the Ozhorn Hill area does not…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Brilliant Ridge Mokoko Seed Locations

The Brilliant Ridge is a rocky dungeon filled with arachnids and monster…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Battlebound Plains Mokoko Seed Locations

The Battlebound Plains is filled with rocky terrains and ruins. However, you…

Stefany Hernandez

Lost Ark: All Bilbrin Forest Mokoko Seed Locations

The Bilbrin Forest is filled with woodland creatures and teeming with life.…

Stefany Hernandez