While exploring the realm of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of Kingdom, you will come across an extensive variety of items. As a result, you will need to enlarge your inventory spaces in order to carry as many objects as possible. But how will you expand your spaces, you ask? It is quite simple! The first thing you should do is locate the big iconic Korok Hestu.
He will unlock additional slots for you in exchange for Korok Seeds. However, this large Korok friend of yours is difficult to find because he relocates frequently. You are going to have to search for him a few times before he stops moving and settles down in one spot for good. This guide has got you covered!
All Big Korok Seed Locations
The first thing you need to know is that locating Hestu is going to be a little challenging. You will need to go to different locations to find this large lovable plant.
- Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower
- Lookout Landing
- Korok Forest
However, keep in mind that you will need to give at least one Korok Seed to him when you first find him. If you haven’t already, check out our guides for discovering them.
Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower
The first place you are going to examine for Hestu is the area near Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower. This location will not be difficult to find because Hestu is going to appear in the wild, near Hyrule Ridge. You can easily find him on the main route heading to the Skyview Tower. You just need to go to the location shown in the picture below.

When you get to the location, you will notice Hestu trembling in front of some trees. When you approach him, you will discover that he is terrified of them. Those trees are known as “Evermeans” trees. They are a type of monsters in the game that are disguised as trees. They are difficult to notice while walking around and can attack you as you try to go past them.

Going near Hestu will trigger the quest Hestu’s Concern. What you need to do at this point will be simple. Get closer to those trees and take out your bow. Shoot fire fruits to defeat them, you can also try to chop them too.

The Evermeans can also drop some items when you defeat them, such as Hightail Lizard or Chickaloo Tree Nut.

When you have defeated all of the trees, the dialogue cutscene will begin. Later, Hestu will thank you for your help. He will then remark he would want to do a little dance for you and make your pouch bigger. But he doesn’t have any Korok Seeds in his maracas.

Now, if you choose to give Korok Seed to Hestu, he will ask you which stash you want more slots in. Just choose one of the options as you wish.

Once you make your choice, Hestu will do his little dance for you. When it is over, you will gain an extra slot in your inventory.

Like this, the Hestu’s Concern quest will be completed, and he will give hints about his next location for you.
Lookout Landing
Now that you completed Hestu’s quest and got a hint about his next location, you can go to Lookout Landing to find him again. However, it seems that he would not show up exactly after the quest is over. So, you might need to complete a couple of dungeons like the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, and Water Temple before you got to see our large Korok friend again.

When Hestu reappears, you can find him directly beneath the huge tree to the right of the item shop.

He will stay a little while there but eventually, he will move to another location.
Korok Forest
Hestu’s final location is going to be a little harder than the other two. You will need to make your way to Lost Woods. As you solve Korok puzzles, a Korok will mention that they are unable to return back to Korok Forest because a massive hole opened near the entrance.
If you try to enter the forest, you will notice that the surrounding area is completely fogged in, and it is impossible to get in. However, the Chasm that has appeared to the south will provide you with a fresh alternative. Just know that before you go, you might want to make sure that you have as many Brightbloom Seeds as you can and food ready for your adventure.

The first thing you will need to do is to go to the location we have shown above. When you get there, walk directly into the cliff and jump down.

As you fall to the bottom, you will see that you have entered Minshi Woods Chasm.

When you eventually make it all the way down to Minshi Grove, you will notice that the area is completely dark. However, you will need to make your way to the North, and luckily, there will be a line of Poe souls advancing toward a path in the darkness. Keep going in that route and brighten your path with Brightbloom Seeds.

As you travel along the route, you will come across a forest with scary-looking trees. Gloom Hands will appear and start chasing after you, so run as fast as you can through that area.

Eventually, you will see Korok Grove. The coordinates for that structure are going to be 0451, 2084, -0592.

Stand in the center and use the Ascend ability. It will lead you directly into the center of the Korok Forest.

However, your journey to find Hestu is not yet over. When you arrive at Korok Forest, you will notice that The Great Deku Tree is unwell and that all of the Koroks are frozen. To resolve this issue, proceed to the tree’s bottom.
After defeating the Gloom Hands, ascend once again and speak with the Great Deku Tree. Now, you can find Hestu right next to the Musanokir Shrine, and you can use this Shrine as a quick travel point whenever you want.

And those are All Hestu Locations in Tears of Kingdom! Going through all of them may be difficult, but it is well worth it because you will need to expand your inventory as much as possible. Let us know if you have any questions or comments.
ALSO READ: Tears of the Kingdom: Great Sky Island Korok Seed 5 Location