The world of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is full of wonder and mystery that you can uncover as you explore. Whether it’s a Shrine, a Skyview Tower, a village, or even some random NPC who is singing about bees. Beetz is an NPC in Tears of the Kingdom that needs your help in getting some honey to make honey crepes to cheer up his boss, Mastro. In this guide, I will be showing you where you can find honey to help Beetz make some honey crepes!
Honey, Bee Mine Guide
In the Necluda region, just above Lake Siela on coordinates 2168, -1389, 0108, you can find Beets jamming outside of his tent.

Speaking to Beetz, he will tell you about how he is trying to lure in bees to get some honey to make honey crepes, but he has no such luck. However, he does know that to the north of Kakariko Village, near the large hole that appeared, you can find honey there.

After talking to Beetz, open your map and go to Kakariko Village. Use the fast travel system to travel to Makasura Shrine.

After spawning in, make your way to the area near the large hole. You can use the coordinates 1883, -0909, 0168 to find some honey here.

When you see a beehive, use a bow and arrow to hit it from afar. One well placed shot to the beehive will cause it to drop. You can then approach the beehive to get Courser Bee Honey. These beehives can be found everywhere in the trees, so keep an eye out.

Once you have three Courser Bee Honey, go back to Beetz and give it to him. Beetz will thank you and he will go back to Mastro, which will then complete the quest.

That’s all you need to know to complete this sweet quest. Did you manage to find Courser Bee Honey and get it back to Beetz? Let us know in the comments below.
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