Horses are your friends when travelling through the lands of Hyrule. They are fast, strong, and reliable after you tame them. The best part is that you can have more than one of them, so you can fill up stable slots with horses you like. There is a side quest called Ride the Giant Horse in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that sends you out to find a large horse that is the size of three Links. In this guide, I will show you how you can complete this quest and get the large horse for yourself.
Ride The Giant Horse Guide
Before you can start the quest, you will need to activate the Ishokin Shrine first. The coordinates for the shrine is -0577, -3527, 0126.

Follow the light that points to the crystal and you will find an NPC by the name of Baddek. Talk to him and tell him that you need the crystal. He will give you the crystal, but you will need to find and bring him a large horse that everyone is talking about.

After speaking to Baddek, you will then have to find the large horse. Open your map and look for Ibara Butte. Above that, there will be an area surrounded by water. The large horse can be found there. The coordinates are 0760, -3725, 0081.

There is nothing special that you need to do with this horse in order to tame it. Like any horse, you need to approach the horse in a stealth fashion and climb it. You will then have to tame it by pressing LZ. One thing I do recommend is to have a lot of stamina. You can increase your stamina by finding Stamina Vessels.

Once you have the large horse, ride it all the way back to Baddek and talk to him while on the horse. He will then thank you for showing him the horse and let you have the crystal. However, this does not complete the quest.

You will still need to bring the crystal back to the shrine. The shrine isn’t too far, so you can easily carry it. But once you bring the crystal back to the shrine, only then will the quest complete.

That’s all you need to know on how to complete the Ride the Giant Horse quest. Did you manage to tame the large horse? Let us know in the comments below.
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