Terraria, as an old game with a lot of updates both small and large, has a lot of niche features that people won’t necessarily encounter during their first playthrough. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be useful.
The Shadow Candle is an item in Terraria that removes the enemy spawn reduction buff that town NPCs give. What this does is essentially make it that enemies spawn more frequently even in an area where a town exists.
Why would you want to do that? Well, the candles look good and they can also be useful if you want to set up a farming area to farm enemies like Chaos Elementals. Either way, we’ll show you how to craft this item.
How To Get Shadow Candle |
The crafting ingredients for the Shadow Candle are either:
- 3 Demonite Bars and a Torch
- Or 3 Crimtane Bars and a Torch.
Whether it’s Demonite or Crimtane Bars depends on whether your world has Corruption or Crimson in it, but more on that in a second.
You can craft Torches with just Wood and Gel. Moreover, Wood can be found from chopping down trees, and Gel can be found by just killing a slime or two.

As for the Crimtane or Demonite Bars, the two options are the following:
- Option 1 – Corruption World: Find Demonite Ore underground and mine it. If you get 3 Demonite Ore, then you can use a Furnace to craft 1 Demonite Bar.
- Another thing you could do is just kill the Eater of Worlds boss which will drop Demonite Ore anyway.
- Option 2 – Crimson World: Find Crimtane Ore underground and mine it. If you get 3 Crimtane Ore, then you can use a Furnace to craft 1 Crimtane Bar.
- As an alternative, you could just kill the Brain of Cthulhu boss which will drop Crimtane Ore anyway.

There is one more thing to note though. While the actual Crafting Station is just a normal Work Bench, you can’t craft the item just anywhere. The Shadow Candle needs to be crafted on a Work Bench that is also affected by the Ecto Mist visual effect, which is found in a Graveyard mini-biome.
But you don’t have to look for one! Graveyard mini-biomes appear when there are 5 or more Tombstones placed next to each other. So, all you have to do is die 5 times and place them down in the same area, which should be easy. After that, just place a Work Bench and craft the Shadow Candle!