The Mimic‘s Book 2 Chapter 3 (Nightmare) is one of the contents that you’ll eventually play through. As you progress through the story, you will encounter this part with the Grin Demon. Evading the Grin Demon while performing all the required tasks may sound difficult at first.
However, once you know the boss’ movements and the tips we’re about to show you, it will become much easier. In this guide, we will show you the map of the boss’ spawn locations as well as many other useful items that you can collect to complete this part of the third Chapter.
Book 2 Nightmare 3 Grin Demon Tips & Tricks With Map
Book 2 Nightmare 3 is an easy challenge once you understand how everything works. In the next sections, you will cover the Map Analysis, Routes & Other Tips and Tricks that you can use.
These tips will also work in multiple-player modes. However, keep in mind that the Grin Demon’s movements may become less predictable as there are many players moving around.
Map Analysis
In the image down below, you will be able to see the Grin Demon Map. You will be able to see the purple flame, Grin spawns, and the red meatball areas.
- If you look to the middle right area of the map, you will be able to see a room. This place is the most dangerous. This is because there is only one way out and you can be easily cornered by the Grin Demon.
- TIP: A cave has a cooldown of 16 seconds before spawning an item.

Routes You Should Know
In the image below, you will be able to see the recommended route for Grim Demon.
- The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 represent the order that you should go.
- 1, 2, 3 is where you will be using your first torch to throw at the boss.
- 4, 5, 6 is where you will be using your second torch and throw at the boss.
- At the 4 & 6 areas, you will be able to find the torches. Make sure you interact with the purple flames as well to light the torches up.
- The orange circles are the places where the Demon will spawn and you will want to throw the torch at it.

At the number 4 area, after you’ve picked up the torch from the Meatball monster and the quest item, run straight toward the purple flame. The Demon will then spawn behind you. You will want to react accordingly and throw the first torch at it, then run towards the number 5 area.
When you are in the number 6 area, pick up the item and the torch. Then, run towards the purple flame. The Grin Demon will then spawn next to you, so be extra careful and react so you can survive. This is also where you will be throwing your second torch.

Other Tips & Tricks
Here are some tips that you can apply to survive the Demon Grin challenge:
- If the Grin Demon is chasing you, never run in a straight line. Always turn corners to slow down the Demon and close the doors if you can.
- After throwing your final torch, you can roam around freely. This is when you can explore the map and figure out your own routes for future runs.
- You want to be on the lookout for yen, as they can spawn in the Grin Demon’s Maze.
- When the Grin Demon spawns near you, there are the wet bush sound effects.
- If you are in multiplayer mode, be careful since the Grin Demon’s movements may become more confusing. This is because it will be attracted to multiple players, not just you.
That’s how you can progress through the Book 2 Nightmare 3 Grin Demon part in The Mimic as a solo player! Even though multiplayer modes may confuse the boss’ movements, it may actually be easier for you to work and lure the boss back and forth while other players do the important tasks.
If you are looking for a full explanation of the whole Book 2 Nightmare 3, consider taking a look at the Book 2 Chapter 3 (Nightmare Guide) + Tips & Tricks guide! It will help you progress through the chapter’s content without breaking a sweat!