Seasonal events is something that a lot of palyers look forward to in many video games. From MMORPGs and their massive multi-day events for Halloween or Christmas to Singleplayer games adding some seasonal stuff in their game. Ark Survival Evolved, besides loving to fill my HDDs and SSDs to the brim, also does Seasonal events from time to time, and as the year of 2022 drew to a close, a new year event had to be made. This New Year event for Ark features not only some gifts for the players, but also some fun new Chibis for you to get!
Increase Chibi Rate By 9000 With The New Year Event In ARK
Before New Year there’s the Winter Wonderland Event where every Midnight to 2AM in in-game time Raptor Claus flies around the map and drops presents for the players. These presents shine bright and slowly drops down to the ground, though if you can’t wait you can always just jump on top of them and open the gift mid-fall!

Inside each present is a bunch of assorted goodies from Chibis, Mistletoe and of course Coal. The Mistletoe and Coal can be given to GachaClaus so that they’ll drop crystals, which you can then open to get more loot! Along with the loot are also new Chibis for you to collect so keep that in mind and try to get them all!

There are also a bunch of other seasonal items you can craft through the cooking pot, just throw the items needed to create them in and you’ll get them! Now that’s a great way to start the new year, with a gun event for ARK. Now go out there and try to get all the new stuff from the event! Many thanks to Camway Gaming for showing everyone what are the new stuff, if you want more information like how to just cheat these stuff in then go check their video out here: New Chibis, Spawn Commands, Winter Wonderland 7 Quick Guide – YouTube