It’s been a while since the release of Disney Dreamligth Valley and the reviews are in showing that people are loving the new game! Who wouldn’t? For fans of Disney, you can meet a bunch of characters from different Disney movies and shows like Elsa and Minnie Mouse as you go around and do quests for them. Some of these quests follow some overarching story while others are personal quests the characters give you. Some of these quests range from simple fetch quests to long intricate quests. In this Remembering Quest guide we’ll show you one of the quests in Disney Dreamlight Valley, a quest involving Moana.
Disney Dreamlight Valley: The Remembering Quest Guide
There are plenty of quests in Disney Dreamlight Valley and in one of those quests you need to help Moana remember. The first part of the quest is for you to remove all of the thorns in her house. This is simple and you’ve probably been doing this since the start of the game, just walk up to one and magic it away.

After clearing her house of those pesky thorns you’ll then need to talk to her again. She’ll give you the next task which is to gather flowers in a forest for her to remember. The nearest forest would be the Forest of Valor so head there and gather any flower; it doesn’t need to be a specific kind of flower.

After picking the flowers you’ll see a new memory that you need to look at. Then you’ll be tasked to talk to Moana again, she’ll then tell you to talk to Maui. After talking to Maui there’s going to be another memory you’ll need to look at.

The next task would be to harvest some fruits in the Forest of Valor. Any fruit will be fine so just pick blueberries since they’re the most abundant. After picking the fruits you’ll get another memory and talk to Moana.

She’ll then ask for 3 coconuts which you can get from the Dazzle Beach. Just pick those coconuts and give it to her. After giving her the coconuts, a Leader Shard will appear and you’ll need to pick it up and show it to Moana to complete the quest.
Congratulations you now know how to do the Remembering quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley, now go out there and try the quest yourself! Many thanks to Quick Tips for showing everyone how this quest works, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: The Remembering Quest Guide In Disney Dreamlight Valley – YouTube
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