In every game there is going to be a resource, and for every resource lies an entire playerbase trying to hoard it for themselves. That shouldn’t be a surprise for something as common as steel (in the real world at least) as it’s one of the best materials you can get in The Survival Game.
Having steel means that you can make some of the most overpowered tools and armor sets, but where do you even start looking for them? A great question, something that we’ll definitely answer along with everything else as you go through the guide below.
Complete Steel Guide
Right now, Steel is the third rarest material in The Survival Game right next to bluesteel and darksteel. To make Steel, you’re going to need a Steel Smelter, and to make that, you will need 5 Coal and 10 Iron. Most of the coal and iron can be found on the Mainland, the green island sitting in the middle of the playable world.
Here are the locations where you can get your hands on some coal and iron. If you find one of each deposit, then there’s a good chance that the next resource you’re looking for will be nearby. Don’t forget to bring a horse with you while making a route to minimize all of the walking you’ll do.

Head inside any of the mountains that have an entrance and look for boulders that have silver or black dots on them. These will have the coal and iron that you’ll need to bring back to the Smelter. Pull out your pickaxe and start mining until the rock reaches zero health.

Once you’ve gathered all of that coal and iron, it’s time to make Steel Bars. Each bar can be crafted by using 5 coal and 10 iron ores. The other materials will be show up as well once you open the steel smelter. Here are the other items you can craft that creates or uses steel:
- Steel Nails – 10x iron, 5x coal
- Steel Helmet – 2x steel bars, 2x rope
- Steel Armor – 3x steel bars, 1x hide, 2x rope
- Steel Pants – 3x steel bars, 1x hide, 2x rope
- Steel Bag – 6x steel bars, 2x wooden rod, 2x hide
- Steel Sword – 3x steel bars, 1 x hide, 2x rope
- Steel Pickaxe – 2x steel bars, 1x steel nail, 1 x tool handle
- Steel Axe – 2x steel bars, 1x steel nail, 1x tool handle
- Farming Scythe – 2x steel bars, 1x steel nail, 2x tool handle
- Crossbow – 2x steel nails, 8x wooden rod, 8x rope
- Horse Armor – 6 steel bars, 1x steel nail, 3x rope
- Elephant Armor – 15x steel bars, 1x steel nail, 6x rope

And that’s the complete guide for the steel resource in The Survival Game. Now that you have better items, you won’t have any lingering fears when you do your next raid. Check out our raiding guide as well if you think your methods of pestering your neighbors require improvement!
ALSO READ: Roblox The Survival Game: How To Kill The Titan Guide