The Bounty Hunter role is arguably one of the most interesting game styles you can lead in Red Dead Online. You will be basically a hunter of criminals that have a price on their heads. You will need to track them down wherever they might be in the world, and either kill them or bring them alive to collect your reward.
In this guide, we shall show you how you can be a better Bounty Hunter in Red Dead Online. Let’s get started.
Red Dead Online – The ULTIMATE Bounty Hunter Guide
General Bounty Hunter Details

The two most important things to know to become a better overall Bounty Hunter are:
- Ranking Up – you will want to rank up as much as possible to be able to get the better bounties as well as get much more rewards and crucial skills needed
- Gold – having gold as a means of buying your necessary items for hunting those bounties is a must.
You will want to be grinding through the early rank-up system so you will be able to reach the higher levels. Getting there won’t be easy but it is worth it since you’ll unlock many needed items and skills. That’s when the real fun starts. You will be getting gold while leveing up too.
There are 4 different types of Bounties:
- Standard – can be found inside public lobbies
- Infamous – found often in private lobbies and features 3 parts linked together with cutscenes and animations
- Legendary – only found in private lobbies and have a very large cash payout together with animations and long cutscenes
- Dynamic / Free Roam – spawn in free roam and offer a limited cash amount in a limited time. These are very handy to do for completing various daily challenges
How To Become A Bounty Hunter

You will need to visit Rhodes to initiate a cutscene with the Rhodes Sheriff and the bounty hunter narrator or character. This is what Rhodes should look like before you actually begin being a Bounty Hunter.
You can find a badge in the middle of the town and you can approach it to begin your professional Bounty Hunter lifestyle. You will need to have a total of 15 Gold to be able to purchase your Bounty Hunter License.
There is another second Bounty Hunter Badge that will unlock further bounties. You will need to visit the same location again and just use another 15 Gold to be able to rank up.
Key Role Items

These here are the most crucial items that you will need when doing your bounty hunts throughout the world. Keep in mind that for most of these you will need to rank up your Bounty Level and as you unlock them, you will add them to your arsenal.
- Focus – it is a skill that marks bounty targets with red in Eagle Eye
- Reinforced Lasso – bounties cannot escape from your catch
- Tonics Satchel Upgrade – for carrying additional HP, Stamina, and Dead Eye Tonics
- Eagle Eye + – using Eagle Eye while on horseback
- Kit Satchel Upgrade – carry more items
- Player Bounties – spawning Bounty hunters to pursue you
- Ducking – helpful skill that will save your life multiple times
- Bounty Wagon – a must-have for stowing multiple bounty targets which result in more cash
- Bolas – quickly catching your bounties
- Perception – allows you to see escaping bounty targets much further than before
- Opportunities Letter – to be able to catch random NPC Bounties
- Player Bounty Prospects – pursue criminal players in your lobby
- Provisional Satchel Upgrade – more food items
- Liveries – upgrades for your bounty wagon
- Bounty Hunter EXP Award – collect 100$ and 0.50 Gold for 10k Bounty EXP
Gold & Payout Rate

This here is how you know just how much money you can make by doing certain BOunties. It is not to complicated to understand and as you see the more time passage there is the most Gold Payout you can do.
How To Level Up

The best of leveling up your Bounty Hunter Ranks is to simply keep doing Legendary Bounties while at the same time doing Free Roam Events. They will yield with the most XP that you can get for your Bounty Hunter.
- Legendary Bounty – 1000 XP and more
- Free Roam – solid XP for very easy and fast Bounties
Also keep on doing the weekly and daily and monthly events so that you will get the most out of them too.
That’s all that you need to know to become a better Bounty Hunter in Red Dead Online. A big thank you to Red Salute for providing all of these amazing details and info. Happy bounty collecting!