The Action RPG genre is been a big part of gaming since the early days of the first Diablo game. Now we have so many ARPGs to choose from that you’re spoiled for choices! Even with its massive growth as a genre there are still some growing pains, like the fiasco that was Diablo: Immortal where everyone just piled on how bad the game was. Despite that there’s still new games coming out, and one of those games is Torchlight Infinite. In this guide we’ll show you all the characters in the game and rank them from the best to worst, so maybe it can help you in picking what’s good!
Class & Character Tier List | Ranked in Torchlight Infinite
Now we all know that Character rankings and tier lists can be quite subjective. Some characters can be strong with the right builds and some can be weak with the wrong builds. A lot also depends on the player as well and on how well they handle themselves in the game.
This tier list that we’ll be showing is what StewGaming believes is correct and we’ll go through his picks.
S Tier – Moto Commander

Nothing beats summoning a bunch of minions to do all of the dirty work for you. If you’ve played necromancer in the old Diablo games and loved it then this is the character for you. Your survivability is top notch, your minions can deal with hordes no problem and the skill floor of this character is quite low and easy. All you need to keep an eye on is the buffs you give for your minions and they’ll do the rest!
A Tier – Carino, Gemma, Rehan

Who doesn’t love filling the screen with projectiles that you can’t even see the enemies anymore. When the enemy spawn they’re already dead since the screen is a bullet hell for them and their first mistake was to spawn.
That’s what Carino and Gemma are for, great range characters that has flashy spells and projectiles and are a blast to play.
Of course, we can’t forget about Rehan, something about the primal need of just hitting things hard with a big stick can be fun for some people. And don’t scoff at him for being a melee class since most of his attacks do AOE. It’s always fun to just cleave through waves of enemies!
B Tier – Youga

Now a lot of people might think that Youga is a low tier character but that’s not the case. Youga’s main draw is his mobility, he’s the most mobile of all classes in the game. Youga might have a high skill ceiling because of that but they can easily kite enemies around with ease with the right build.
Congratulations you now know who are the best classes in Torchlight Infinite, now go out there and pick what you like!
Many thanks to StewGaming for showing everyone what he thinks is the best classes in the game. If you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: TORCHLIGHT INFINITE TIER LIST
ALSO READ: Torchlight Infinite: Carino Class Guide