Tower Defense Simulator is fun tower defense game that you can find and play on Roblox. Its basis is simple and is what you can find in all tower defense games: you will plant your units at places where you think they will do the best, and then wait and see if your strategy works. It’s a simple game, right?
Well, it gets harder the more you play, and you will realize that you’ll need to find ways to earn Coins, Gems, and EXP in order to do better. In this beginner’s guide, I will show you how to go through the beginning stages of starting Tower Defense Simulator.
Complete Beginner’s Guide | Roblox
To start off, we’re going to talk about getting more coins. The best way to do that is to do Molten Mode, which gives the most coins for those who are just starting off. However, you’ll find it hard to beat Molten Mode with the units you have, which will be the Sniper and Scout. These units are enough to play in other modes, but definitely not Molten Mode. You will lose quickly if you try with these two units.
So what do you need to do instead? Play with others. Molten Mode has Duo, Trio, and Quad options that allow you to play with other people. I do recommend going with Trio and Quad, since you’ll have a better chance to get better players. Of course, you will have to contribute to the game, so don’t just sit back and let other players do all the heavy work. Actually contribute and be a team player.

But of course, you can’t rely on others all the time to earn coin in Molten Mode. In order to do it yourself, you will need two things: Farm and Militant, which costs 4000 in total. These two units are essential in beating Molten Mode without the help of other people. The gist of the strategy is to use the Farm to upgrade your Scout and Militants as the game goes on.

Now you’re grinding Molten Mode a lot already and you’ve reached level 50. What’s there to do next? Well, you can start farming gems, which is a much harder currency to get. The reason for that is because gems can only be farmed in Hardcore Mode, which is the most difficult mode in the entire game. It is insanely difficult to do this mode, but many persist because it is the best way to earn gems.
You will find some of the best units locked behind gem purchases, which is why you can see so many people going into Hardcore Mode to grind and grind for gems. I recommend that you do it with other people. A Triumph is the only way to get 300 gems, and if you manage to get Triumphs after an hour of grinding, you will get 600 gems (yes, Hardcore Mode can take up to 30 minutes each round).

We’ve talked about grinding coins and gems, but what about EXP? Well, EXP grinding is pretty easy to do. You just keep playing the game over and over again, doing different levels and different missions until you reach the level you want. However, once you reach a high level, it can get pretty hard to gain more and more EXP.
Right now, the best way to grind for EXP is to do the Pizza Party event. It is also a great way to grind for coins as well (no gems in it, sadly), so it’s a two in one special.

That’s all you need to know on what to do as a beginner in Tower Defense Simulator. Did this guide help you be good at the game? Let us know in the comments below.