To get the full GPS access for the Central Computer on Long Island you will need Chiara Favarone’s red implant.
Below is the guide to obtain the red implant and access the computer.
How To Access The Central Computer On Long Island (Scene 6) – Vampire The Masquerade Swansong
- Execute Chiara to obtain the red implant
Upon exiting the main elevator, go down the stairs and turn left until you see a double-door. Enter and proceed further to the door at the end of the hallway.
This will lead you to the clinic.

There, turn left to enter the Hazmat suit locker area. Get the Hazmat suit by inspecting one of the blue lockers. Use code 1-4-9-2.

Put on the suit and enter the clinic manager room located in the same room. After decontaminating yourself, proceed inside and select “Take implant”.

A cutscene will play. The clinic manager will tell you to fetch The Cerebellum from the cold storage room. Take the access key card and the organ reference. Exit the clinic area.
Important: Take off the Hazmat suit by interacting with the locker before exiting.
Upon exiting the clinic area door, turn directly left, enter the door and proceed right until you find another door. That is where the cold storage room located.

Enter the door by swiping the access card. Here, you will need to get the cerebellum.
It is located at the end of the cold storage room, second last shelf on the right.

Inspect the shelf, and get The Cerebellum coded with JD-F-03-120 on the box.

Return The Cerebellum to the manager at the clinic area. Put on the Hazmat suit again and enter the clinic manager area and select “Set down cerebellum”.
After a cutscene, interact with the clinic manager and select “Take Implant”. This will execute her and get you Chiara Favarone’s red implant.

- Update to Chiara’s Implant and Access the Central Computer
Take off the Hazmat suit and exit the clinic area. Proceed to the main elevator area to update your implant to Chiara’s red implant.

After you update to Chiara’s Implant proceed up the stairs to the Central Computer. Now you will have full access to the computer.

That’s how you get full access to the central computer on Long Island. Hope this helps!
ALSO READ: Vampire The Masquerade Swansong: How To Get Your Memory Back In Red Salon (Scene 7)