At the time of writing, Vermintide 2 is free to keep in Steam and we all know why. It’s a gift from the devs as the new game Warhammer 40k Darktide is getting closer to its release. A lot of people are looking forward to the game and now that Vermintide 2 is free, there’s a game that you can jump in to experience the “tide” series. Not to mention the fact that almost all DLCs for Vermintide is on sale so you can go for different careers if you’ve got the cash. In this guide we’ll show you a great build for the Pyromancer.
Pyromancer Guide | Warhammer Vermintide 2
In Warhammer lore magic isn’t sunshine and rainbows, it’s something the common folk look with horror or apprehension. There are literal witch hunters that try to get illegal mages and even one of the playable characters in the game is one of those hunters.
That’s because mages can be powerful but at the same time unstable. Here is a great build for the Pyromancer in the game.

There’s a lot of ways to plan the talents for your build. For this one we’ll be going with the build above. At level 5 Spirit Binding is a great talent, just kill a few enemies and you get temporary health. At Level 10 you can either go for Spirit Casting which increases Critical Strike chance and it would be fine but for this build that will be using a slow weapon, Martial Study helps a bit with that.
At level 20 you can get Deathly Dissipation which lets you cast spells for a bit without generating overcharge after killing a special enemy. At level 25 it’s a must to get Volans Doctrine so you don’t get slowed when overcharged which is what you’ll be doing most of the time.
At level 30 Bonded Flame helps a lot with survivability as it gives you temporary health when you use your ultimate ability.

For the weapon the main one you’ll use is the Flaming Flail, with the properties of increased Critical Chance and Attack Speed, you need the latter since the flail is slow. Pair it up with Swift Slaying to get more attack speed.
Your second weapon is the Coruscation Staff, with increased power vs Chaos and Infantry. With Thermal Equalizer it can generate less overheat making it sure you can throw damage down range more.
For the necklace you can get Extra Health and Block Cost Reduction as well as Boon of Shallya for that extra healing. The Boon of Shallya also effects temp health, so with your ultimate ability you can gain even more temporary health.
For the charm go for Power Vs Chaos and more Attack Speed with of course Concoction, everyone’s favorite charm trait.
Lastly the trinket should have more Crit Chance and Cooldown reduction and for the trait you can either have Grenadier or Shrapnel.
Congratulations you now know a great build for the Pyromancer in Warhammer Vermintide 2, now go out there and try it yourself! Many thanks to Wet Magic for showing everyone how this build works, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Vermintide 2: Pyromancer High Damage Build – YouTube
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