Warhammer 40k Boltgun has a lot of missions in chapters that allows the player to have fun going around the map and blasting enemies of the Emperor. But is that all you can do in this boomer shooter game? Well, yes. You can actually find secrets that are scattered all over the map in different missions in different chapters. In this guide, I will show you where you can find all Chapter 1, Mission 6: Venerable Bastion secrets in Warhammer 40k Boltgun.
Secret 1: Machine Spirit
The first secret can be found near the beginning of the mission. When you continue forward, look to your left and you will see an open container on a large piece of rock. Get a head start and jump to the Machine Spirit.

Secret 2: Munitions Boon
The next secret can be found in the bastion of the mission will be taking place in. Keep going inside until you see a door with a console right next to it. Interact with the console to open the door and continue up the stairs when the door opens.

When you reach the top of the stairs, continue forward until you reach an area where you can see that there is yellow paint splattered on the edge of the ledge.

Jump to the ledge and climb up. You will find yourself looking at the second secret, the Munitions Boon.

Secret 3: Vengeance Boltgun Magazines
After getting the Munitions Boon, jump down to the ground below and continue making your way through the mission. When you go past this first arch under the first bridge, there will be a flight of stairs to your left. Go up the stairs and continue.

Once up the stairs, follow the path until you reach the end of it. There, you will find a room with ammo and grenades, as well as a red key. Pick it up.

Go back to where you first climbed up the stairs to use the console with the key. Bear in mind that once leave the room with the red key, enemies will spawn in and attack you, so be ready.

With the console now working, go back to where the enemies spawned and jump on top of the container. Look at the edge to your left (or right, depending on where you climbed up the container) and jump to that as well. Look to your right and you will find the Vengeance Boltgun Magazine.

Secret 4: Vortex Grenade
After getting the Vengeance Boltgun Magazine, continue venturing deeper into the mission.

You will soon find yourself in an area with containers. Go to the back of the area and look for an open container with purple lights. Inside, you will find a purple key. Pick it up.

With the key in hand, go to the door that has purple lights around it. Next to the door is the console where you will need to use the key to open the door.

Once the door is opened, continue forward until you reach a door that requires a yellow key this time. Continue past the door until you reach an elevator that will take you up a floor.

When the elevator stops, get on top of this ledge and look at the snow covered area. You need to jump the gap and land on the snow covered area.

This secret area has another secret; the Vortex Grenade.

Secret 5: Full Contempt
After getting the Vortex Grenade, you will need to take the elevator back up and continue the mission. You will eventually come across the yellow key that the yellow door requires. With the key in hand, go back to the door.

When you grab the key, look to your right and you will see the roof of buildings. Jump to the roof.

Keep jumping from platform to platform until you see the Full Contempt secret, which is located on a bridge.

Secret 6: Kraken Boltgun Magazine
Jump back down after getting the Full Contempt and head back to the yellow door and open it.

Continue walking through until you see the elevator. Do not go in and instead, look to the wall on your left and approach it. You will get a prompt to interact with it.

Behind it, you can find the Kraken Boltgun Magazine secret.

Secret 7: Aura of Doom
After getting the last secret, take the elevator up.

Once the elevator stops, exit the elevator and turn left. Keep going until you see a ledge with yellow paint. Climb up the ledge.

Turn right and you will see a container and another ledge with yellow paint. Jump on top of the container and jump to the ledge with yellow paint.

Once you have climbed up, look to your left and you should see a barricade with an open container behind it.

Inside the container, you will find the last secret, the Aura of Doom.

That’s all of the secrets in Chapter 1, Mission 6: Venerable Bastion. Did you manage to collect all of the secrets? Let us know in the comments below.
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