The God Emperor of Mankind has gifted you more weapons to purge the demon, but you must look for them! That’s the secrets in Warhammer 40k: Boltgun, things that can help you paint the floor red faster. These secrets can either be the blessing of the machine spirit that upgrades your weapon for the mission, or vortex grenades that rip anything apart.
In this guide, we’ll show you all the secrets in the Mission 4 of Chapter 2 in Warhammer 40K Boltgun. Now ready your ready your heavy bolter because there’s a lot of heretics to kill!
All Secrets Chapter 2 Mission 4
When finishing a level, you might see that there are secrets that you’ve missed. If you want to collect all the secrets, then don’t worry. Here are all the secrets for this Mission in the game!
Secret #1 – Machine Spirit
The first secret is actually a bit further from the start of the mission. You’ll have to progress to the point where you get to the Red Key. To the left of the room where the red key is where you need to go.

Go there and you’ll see a platform that goes up to a building to the left. Go inside that building.

There you’ll find a bunch of ammunition as well as the first secret in the game: a blessing from the Machine Spirit! Remember to equip the weapon you want to upgrade!

Secret #2 – Munitions Boon
For the next secret you’ll want to grab the red key and head through the red door. After a short winding corridor, you’ll reach the area shown below. Go straight, like actually straight forward.

Go straight until you reach the wall shown below. That’s a secret wall, go up to it and interact with it.

This will open the wall and you’ll find the next secret inside: a Munitions Boon!

Secret #3 – Vengeance Boltgun Magazine
Continue on through the level until you find the Melta-Gun and go through the door next to it. You’ll enter this area shown below with a lot of rocks. Stick to the right wall as you continue.

You’ll eventually reach this area shown below with half a cogwheel. Go straight still sticking to the right wall.

You’ll eventually find the next secret: A Vengeance Boltgun magazine!

Secret #4 – Vortex Grenade
For the next secret you’ll need to continue through the level until you open the blue gate. You’ll immediately see a bridge on your path. Go to the left side of the bridge.

Look back and below and you’ll see a ledge that you can jump into. I suggest sprint jumping there just to make sure you cover the gap.

From that ledge you can get to the area where there’s the next secret: a Vortex Grenade!

Secret #5 – Aura of Doom

For the last secret you’ll want to go through the level until the very end where you fight the Lord of Change. Immediately after entering the arena you’ll see the secret to the right.

You can use the cogs next to it and jump there. Then jump and get the last secret which is an Aura of Doom!
Those are all the secrets in Warhammer 40k: Boltgun. There’s a lot of other secrets out there, make sure that you find them all. Did you miss any secrets in Chapter 1 Mission 4? If so check out our guide here to get all of them!
ALSO READ: Warhammer 40k Boltgun: All Secrets Chapter 2 Mission 3