If you’re in the hunt for secrets in Warhammer 40k Boltgun, you might miss on some of them. Most secrets are pretty much in plain sight or something you come across accidentally as you play the game. However, there are ones that will take you a bit of time and effort before finding them. Whether you want to make your arsenal stronger or simply collect all the secrets in the mission, this guide has got you covered!
All Secrets Chapter 3 Mission 3
To help you on your task to purge all of Xenos, the game has placed “secrets” that you can find. They give buffs, ammunition and the likes. Though take note that you’ll have to collect them all in one run to complete them. If you haven’t, check out how to find the secrets in Mission 1. Without further ado, here are the locations of all the secrets in Chapter 3: Mission 3 – Galvanic Forgeshrine:
Secret #1 – Dragonfire Boltgun Magazine
Once the mission starts, the first secret will be fairly easy to find. You’ll have to turn to your back and go down the area. Grab the 50 Grav-cannon ammos as well as the Dragonfire Boltgun Magazine secret hidden behind a post and under a metal ramp.

Secret #2 – Full Contempt
For the second secret, make your way back up, head straight and go left.

Now, follow the path and go to the location shown in the image below.

Jump down and go left until you can see the Full Contempt secret hidden under another metal ramp.

Secret #3 – Vortex Grenade
Now, for the third secret, make your way back up.

After that, find this metal ramp shown in the image below, you’ll have to climb up here.

Just keep heading straight until you see a cut pathway, you’ll have to jump across the other side.

Head straight until you find this wall as shown in the image below, interact with it to open a secret compartment which is the location for the Vortex Grenade secret.

Secret #4 – Machine Spirit
For the fourth secret, turn to your back and jump down towards a path. Go straight and turn left.

Again, go straight and look for a path continuing towards a wall. Interact with the wall to open another secret compartment.

There you have it, the fourth secret which is a blessing from the Machine Spirit.

Secret #5 – Aura of Doom
For the fifth secret, continue through the level and turn left.

Go straight and jump when you see a hole.

After jumping from the hole, you’ll come across this key. Grab it! You’ll be needing it.

Use the key and activate this to open the gate.

After opening the gate, head straight until you come across two pathways. Turn left as shown in the image below. The right path with the totem will lead towards the sixth secret so keep in mind for later.

Interact with this to open the gate. After opening the gate, turn right and go to the ramp as shown in the image.

From the ramp, jump across towards the metal platform in the image or simply walk into it. After that, turn right.

You’ll come across a gate. Again, use your key to open it.

After opening the gate, you’ll come across two opposing pathways. Go right.

After that, go straight and jump towards this metal platform with the rails.

Turn to your left and there you go, the Aura of Doom secret!

Secret #6 – Munitions Boon
For the final secret, you’ll have to turn to your left and jump towards this direction. Keep going straight and jump across until you see a blue key. Again, take it since you’ll be using it for upcoming gates.

After getting the blue key, go back to the ramp with the totem that leads to sixth secret as mentioned before. Go forward and use the blue key to open the gate.

Go through the gate and it will lead you to an open area with a yellow key. You won’t need it for the sixth secret but seeing it means you’re in the right location.

Across the key will be the sixth secret. However, you’ll have to activate a metal ledge for you to reach it. In order to activate it, you’ll have to activate three switches.

There will be switches located around the area that you’ll have to activate. Finding them is not hard at all. Here’s what you should do and keep in mind:
- First switch will open the gate for the second switch, and the second switch will open the gate for the third switch.
- Every time you activate a switch, look for a gate (shown in the image below) that has been opened.

Activating the third switch will open up the metal ledge as mentioned before. Use it as platform to reach the higher platform, though keep in mind you’ll have to be able to grab the higher platform as you jump.

There you go, the sixth and final secret which is a Munition Boon!

ALSO READ: Warhammer 40k Boltgun: All Secrets Chapter 2 Mission 5