What Happens After LEVEL 999 in R.E.P.O.?

In case you were wondering…

Abdullah Riaz
3 Min Read

R.E.P.O. offers an interesting physics based coop looting experience that takes heavy experience from games like Lethal Company. The level of difficulty is related to the level you have reached, until your run dies. With seemingly no restrictions on how high you can go, players have wondered what happens at really high levels. In fact, you can even get to Level 999 in the game (although this is highly unrealistic). So, in this guide, we’ll be showing you what happens after Level 999 so you can see what the difficulty is. It’ll also help you understand how leveling works in the game!

What Happens After LEVEL 999 in R.E.P.O.?

Many players in R.E.P.O. have been wondering what happens when you keep going up levels. Eventually, the game must have a limit, right? Does the game reset, keep going or just have an ending?

Well, you can actually get to Level 999, with the help of mods, of course.

Even with mods, it can take you hours of playing to eventually reach there (provided you didn’t use any advantage or god mode mods). If you’re wondering how you can use mods in R.E.P.O., our mods installation guide has you covered!

At Level 999, you will see that there are a lot of monsters and traps. The maps also get really huge and you’ll see an increase in the number of upgrades.

However, this is not linked to Level 999. Actually, the game does have a difficulty cap currently, which is Level 11. So while you can go beyond Level 11, there will be no increase in difficulty beyond it.

Upscream in R.E.P.O.

As for the question, can you go beyond Level 999 in R.E.P.O? The answer is yes. When you level up, you’ll see that you can actually reach Level 1000 and the game just continues. However, you won’t really see a difference in the level of difficulty.

Some players have proposed that the game should continue to increase difficulty every couple of levels, or increase the difficulty cap. This is because quite a few players have already begun to master the game.

R.E.P.O. is still in early access so it remains to be seen in what direction the developers will go. For example, Lethal Company has exponential difficulty with the game getting harder and harder as you progress.

Level 1000 start in R.E.P.O.

That’s everything you need to know about what happens after Level 999 in R.E.P.O? So the game just seems to go indefinitely until your run ends up dying. With the difficulty cap in place, it very much is possible to get to Level 999 and beyond if you have the time and dedication!

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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