Hogwarts Legacy might just be the next biggest thing in the gaming world. Many players have been wondering just how evil can one character be since, in the lore and the story of Hogwarts, there are extremely dark moments to be told.
In this article, we shall be discussing the evil factor of Hogwarts Legacy. You will discover just how evil can you actually be and how to do so. Let’s get started.
Hogwarts Legacy – You Can Be Insanely Evil
The new gameplay footage of Hogwarts Legacy has shown off just how evil you will be able to be. There is a combat horde mode area that is known as the Dark Arts Battle Arena. The footage that the devs showed us wasted no time at all showing us the 3 unforgivable spells and just how sinister they can be.

We are more than happy to say that the Unforgivable curses are in the game! The prayers have been answered from the very first days of this game’s development from many players.
Also, something that you would be happy to hear is that all of the Unforgivable spells, like the popular Avada Kedavra, will be just like any normal spell and you can activate it whenever you simply want! It won’t be just a time event or a finish like some expected at first. This means that you can be Voldemort’s level of evil!
You will be able to lift up regular people from the ground and smack them as you please from the roof or the ground. You can do Imperio and make them your allies for a moment, only to have them cursed and not able to move after the spell has finished.

There are also many other curse-inducing spells in the game too that enable an incredibly deadly combo that will allow you to be a force of reckoning from the dark arts. We certainly do not know the full limits of it yet, but based on what we’ve seen we can definitely think and say that you can be a very EVIL character indeed!
Avada Kedavra will be a one-shot kill spell. The developers have stated multiple times that they want to stick to the lore and this spell will actually be as powerful as it should be. We do not know of the balance issues that this might inflict, but we can think of some solutions that can make this spell not so overpowered, although it should be!
Believe it or not, Avada Kedavra won’t be the darkest spell too! We will be getting Crucio in Hogwarts Legacy as well! This is the spell that is used to torture people from the inside out and you can do it in the game. Voldemort would be pleased and very proud of you!

The devs have gone ahead and also added the very spooky and crazy sounds that these spells can do. You will be able to hear souls crying out once you cast them and giving you the feeling of being pure evil and dark. What is the most sinister, is that you can actually hear the enemies on the battlefield crying out in pain. They have gone this far as to protect the lore of the Potter series.
Something that not even the movies couldn’t actually catch up to of really how dark and evil these spells can be in the books. It is absolutely brutal and you will be able to do it in Hogwarts Legacy too!
You are also able to do dark arts spells even if you don’t want to learn them. Basically, if you are a character that plays as the good Griffyndor guys, you can still go into the dark arts battle arena to get a little taste of what would your character be as a minion of Voldemort.

There will be a total of 3 Dark Arts Battle Arenas that will be only included in the Deluxe Edition of the game or as a buyers pack of the Dark Arts Pack, which buyers of the Standard Edition can purchase as an add-on.
That’s all that you need to know about how really evil you can be in Hogwarts Legacy. This is making us very excited and we can only hope to skip some time ahead so that the game can finally be out. Until then with any new upcoming news, we shall be the first ones to let you know! A big thank you to RetroRaconteur for the details and info he provided.
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