Set your sails and adventure through the seas in this Roblox Pirate RPG game Z Piece inspired by the popular anime/manga franchise called One Piece. In the game, also get a chance to wield various characters’ powers.
One such power is the mysterious Haki, we’ll show you how to obtain it!
How To Get Haki V3 & Garp Moveset
If you’ve obtained Haki V2 previously, gear up because Z Piece just dropped Haki V3. Players are farming to get enough coins to get the power along with the Garb move set.
Here’s what you’ll need in terms of game currency:
- 100 Million or 1000 Gems for Haki
- 100 Gems to learn Garb
We’ll show you where to need to go along with Garb’s moves showcase, so keep reading till the end.
Obtaining Haki V3
First, you’ll need to go to Nami to teleport to Sea 3.

On Sea 3, you’ll need to find Haki V3 NPC and talk to him. The NPC will ask you if you want to learn the skill for 100 Million dollars or 1000 Gems. Purchase using your preferred method.
After that, search for the Garp NPC who should be close by. You should find him in front of a yellow house.
Once you talk to this NPC, he’ll say you need 100 Gems to unlock the Garp fighting Style. Make the purchase and you should Garp in return!

Let’s show you what the Garp move set looks like.
Garp Showcase
Here are all the moves
- Cluster Meteor Fist (Z)
As the name states, this move sends clusters of meteors in all directions with a significant AoE.

- Comet Fist (X)
This triggers a blue astral-like explosion with sparkles left in the air all around.

- Galaxy Impact (C)
Your character flies into the air and charges red dancing spirals around itself preparing for an explosion with great impact and high AoE

And these are the moves you can expect from Garb! If you don’t have enough money to get the new moves, we suggest you start farming because Garb’s moves are strong and something that you would definitely want to dominate the game.