You have been assigned the mission of entering a zoo that has been overrun by monsters, determining what is causing the invasion, and putting an end to it. The goal of Zoonomaly is to gather key shards that are strewn all throughout the zoo. To locate the key shards, you must solve riddles inside the animal enclosures. While doing that, you will face different monsters and jumpscares. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information on them.
All Jumpscares & Monsters
There are a total of eighteen monsters you are going to see in Zoonomaly. Monster anomalies of various shapes and sizes roam the grounds, and they cannot be killed. When you encounter one of them, you should avoid contact.
- Zookeeper
- Friendly Frog
- Friendly Slime
- Monster Fish
- Monster Rabbit
- Monster Elephant
- Monster Giraffe
- Stick Spider
- Friendly Lizard
- Giant Fish
- Friendly Red Frogs
- Monster Bear
- Smile Cats
- Monster Monkeys
- Friendly Cows
- Monster Koala
- Friendly Ostrich
- Monster Smile Cat & Final Boss
Now, let’s take a look at each monster and their jumpscares.

Dangerous Monsters
While some monsters are not going to attack you, some will try to chase you and eat you alive. Let’s see the monsters you should avoid now.
The Zookeeper is the first monster you are going to come across in the game. This monster patrols the whole area and tries to kill you if he notices you. It has a long body, a big smile, and a cool-looking hat.

Monster Fish
This mutated fish is located in the pools inside the areas you will need to go to when looking for shards. Since it cannot reach you, it is not going to harm you if you do not fall into the water.

Monster Rabbit
This is a huge mutated rabbit. You are going to encounter this one while trying to get one of the key shards. It will try to kill you, but you will be able to stop it by using your Bloom o’Bang or the levers around that area.

Monster Elephant
The monster elephant is also located near one of the key shards. You are going to see it near the shard that requires you to solve a labyrinth puzzle. It will not be able to get to you if you complete this puzzle correctly. But if it does, it will try to eat you.

Monster Giraffe
Not going to lie, the monster giraffe looks very sad. It just stands close to a gate, not having anything to do with you. If you get closer to it or try to attack it with your Bloom o’Bang, it will try to kill you as well.

Stick Spider
The Stick Spider is located inside one of the buildings that has a key shard. You might not understand that this is a spider at first glance, as it looks very different. This one also neutrally attacks you.

Giant Fish
Bigger version of the monster fish. You will see it inside the huge aquarium in the zoo. Once again, it will not be able to attack you if you do not fall into the aquarium.

Monster Bear
Just like the spider one, this one looks very weird as well. You might think that it looks like the taller and mutated version of Jerry the Mouse, but it is actually a very tall bear. It will chase you and attack you if it notices you.

Smile Cats
Here is a tricky one. You will probably see the huge, smiley cat first. Your first thought might be that it will not attack you, as it just looks in your direction. However, there are literally little versions of this smiling cat, and they will run up to you very fast and kill you right away.

Monster Monkeys
Next up, we have monster monkeys. This one is actually pretty obvious; it will come to you jumping with that big, deadly smile. If you see this monster, run for your life!

Monster Koala
Koalas are the cutest animals, but they look very scary when mutated. These monsters will follow you around and will kill you as soon as they have a chance. Do not try to pet them, and stay away!

Monster Smile Cat & Final Boss
If you thought little smile cats were scary, you are not going to like this one. The monster smile cat is a much taller version of the smile cat, and it is also the final boss in the game. You are not going to see it until you collect all the key shards and craft a master key.

Friendly Monsters
These monsters are located inside the safe zones. They are not going to attack you, even if you come closer to them.
Friendly Frog
These little frogs are pretty cute, despite being mutated. They will just keep walking inside the safe zones, and they will not bother you at all.

Friendly Slime
Just like the cute little frog, this slime is located inside the safe zones. It will not try to attack you, even if you walk very close to it.

Friendly Lizard
Another harmless little monster. It greets you with the biggest smile. You can see them inside the safe zones, walking around and looking in your direction.

Friendly Red Frogs
Just the red versions of the cute little frogs. They are very shy and will run away from you if you try to chase them. You will need to do that while looking for one of the key shards.

Friendly Cows
Once again, this one looks very different as well. To be honest, we did not realize that it was a cow before we learned that it was a cow. It looks like a bigger version of the cute frog, but it is a cow. These cows will walk around in safe zones and will not harm you.

Friendly Ostrich
One more friendly animal monster. The ostrich just walks around, and they look at you when you get too close. Just like every other friendly monster, it will not attack you even if you attack them with your tool.

These are all the monsters and jumpscares in Zoonomaly! Make sure to check out our complete guide for Zoonomaly & Shards Locatio as well.