Gotham Knights is filled with amazing suits, but you will have to grind through the game to unlock them. While choosing suits, you can have colorways or Suit styles. There is a total of 56 unlockable suits in the game, and each character has access to 14 suits. So, stick with our guide, and we will show you how to unlock the Demon Suit.
How To Unlock Demon Suit Transmog – Gotham Knights

To unlock the Demon Teransmog, you have to craft a Demon suit. You will get the blueprint by progressing through the main story. Open the workbench, go-to gear, and then craft. Choose the suit button and make sure to craft a suit that has the style Demon.

You can unlock all the skins you want by grinding a lot and getting the blueprints. So, once you have crafted the suit that has the style Demon, you will unlock the Demon Transmog suit.
This is all you need to know about unlocking the Demon Transmog Suit. So now that you know how to unlock one of the best skins get back in the game and grind and unlock the Demon Transmog Suit.