You know how in comic book movies or TV shows ends with the bad guys being defeated and the hero becoming the superhero they are? It’s kind of like here in Gotham Knights. Spoiler alert for those who haven’t played or beaten the game, but the ending for Gotham Knights sees Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl, and Robin become the Knights of Gotham, sporting new, slick, black costumes to show that they are the future of Gotham. But how can you get these costumes? In this Knighthood Suit Transmog guide, we show you how to do just that.
How To Unlock Knighthood Suit Transmog – Gotham Knights

In order to get the Knighthood transmog, which instantly become available for everyone in the game, you need to beat the game. Yes, it is as simple as that. The story of the game ends with whoever character you are playing as in the final mission become the new protector of Gotham. Whether it’s Red Hood, Batgirl, Robin or Nightwing, the ending remains the same.
After the ending, you come back to the Belfry and you will notice that all of your characters are in the new Knighthood transmogs. The game automatically equips it for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.
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