A Bokuso Box is a new gadget that is essential in exploring the new Enkanomiya area. This area is shrouded by darkness, and you need the Bokuso box to prevent its debuff and remove the invulnerability of the enemies in the area. This guide will show you the Light Realm Sigil locations needed to upgrade your Bokuso Box.
Bokuso Arts Locations – Genshin Impact
You will get the Bokuso Box when starting the new event. You will need this gadget to defeat powerful enemies in the new event area. To get the Bokuso Arts of Light Realm Sigils you need to open chests in the area.

- The first Light Realm Core can be found on the western part of the map. Simply look at the pattern of the electro Seelie then activate the electro pillars according to the pattern. Defeat the two Mages and open the chest to get the Light Realm Core.

- From the last area, just go to the south for a bit. You need to guide three Seelie here to remove the barrier.
- The first Seelie is in the upper area near the Hilichurl watchtower. It is surrounded by thorns so burn it to guide the Seelie.
- The next Seelie is on your left, near the ruins.
- The last Seelie is to the south, you must enter the series of portals here and use the moving platforms to guide the Seelie.
Start the challenge inside the barrier and defeat the enemies to get another Light Realm Core.

- You can find the third Light Realm Core on the eastern part of the map, on the Corrosion Intensity 60 zone. Defeat all the enemies guarding the Electro towers then activate them.
You need to complete the challenge on the pillar to your left to unlock the last Electro pillar on top of the gate.
Unlock the gate and defeat the Ruin Guard to get three chests inside. You will also get a Light Realm Core inside the chest.

- You can find the next Bokuso Art on the eastern part of the map. You need to guide three Seelie in the area to unlock the barrier.
After guiding the Seelies, complete the challenge by defeating all the enemies in time and you will get another Light Realm Core.

- The fifth Light Realm Core is on the southern part of the map.
Again, you need to guide the Seelie in the area to unlock the barrier. The Seelie are on the mountain beside you. Burn the thorns surrounding the Seelie to free it.
Complete the challenge inside the barrier to get the Light Realm Core.

- The last Light Realm Core is a reward from the Bukoku Enigma Quest. Follow the quest from Yabe to get this as a reward from the treasure chest.